Progress save onto a new disc?

Progress save onto a new disc?

Hello guys,

I have a normal The Witcher 3 on disc on Xbox One without the dlc's and I want to buy the GOTY edition of The Witcher 3 on Xbox one. Now the question is: If I buy a new copy of the game will my progress from the previous disc be saved onto the new disc I buy?

Thanks in advance
I will try to find out, but from what I remember, the two titles (GOTY and non-GOTY) are treated as separate products on the Microsoft no, I don't think saved games can be shared. But, I may be wrong...


Anyone know, offhand?
Thanks Sunsibar! May you be visited by the Chocolate Fairy this evening.


So, to confirm -- do NOT buy GOTY. Buy the Season Pass instead. That will ensure savegame compatibility. There is 0% content difference between TW3 + Free DLC + Season Pass and TW3 GOTY Edition. Same thing...just more downloading. You won't be missing anything, and saved games will work!
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