BUG: Flaved "when performing an action" implementation

BUG: Flaved "when performing an action" implementation

The bug i wish to describe here is not a standalone bug in a single game effect or interaction. It is a systematic flaw in the game rules implementation that affects the digital game balance making the multiplayer less enjoyable it can be.

The most affected by this flaw is the Teleport spell of Triss. So i take it as an example.

The card says: "When performing a travel action, you may spend 1 {common marker} from this card to move along 1 or 2 additional routes".
This text clearly means that the card need to be used before resolving the travel action, so with it Triss just move 1 or 2 routes further than normal. That way the card works in the board game.

But in the digital version the card works in another way: at first, Triss take a normal movement action and take a lead from the location she comes to. Then she has an opportunity to use the Teleport, move additional 1 to 2 routes and... take another lead. Taking two leads in one movement action, with the card that isn't designed for this, brings a serious inbalace to the multiplayer. Acquiring the Teleport early in the game gives auto-win condition to Triss in any game for 3 or 5 quests.

As i say before, this is not a standalone Teleport flaw but a systematic digital implementation flaw. Another examples are:
* Resolving foul fate tokens. Despite the rules clearly says it must be resolved before resolving the foul-fated action, in the digital game the token resolves just after the action is finished, and that changes the outcome oftenly.
* Yarpen "Dwarven Banner" item is also affected by the flaw. In the board game you can't use it if there is no tokens on it at the start of "command" action. In the digital game it works just after the action so you can charge it then use it in the same turn.
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