Is there any way thay you can...

Is there any way thay you can...

heal Pat the bridge builders son? Despite having told him not to get directly involved he still ends up ran at by at least half of any monsters we come across. Even if i am attacking them many will solely focus their attentions on him. This has the obvious problem that he ends up at least unconscious so far. When that happened i reloaded in order to check dialogue options. As you know you can tell him not to get "directly involved" i had hoped this would mean he'd shoot from far off and run if attacked. However all he does then is stand his ground with a small dagger and get whipped until i have managed to rescue him.
Having not seen what happened to him after he had lost conciousness but was still alive i do not know if he is simply able to regenerate his health over and over. Tbqh i don't want to run the risk of him dying, he seems like a good lad. .
So any input would be useful. I take it as i chose the "heal me whenever" option for rescuing the Water Driads necklace she'll probably cure us both? It's really a bit out of the way though.

I also wanted to know if you store up enough bronzes do they turn into silvers. You know, when the pile gets to 10 unused you get a silver instead.
In all my plays I never accepted this part of the quest . I always chose to go it alone . In answer to your other part that would be no bronze talents have to be spent on bronze in that they don`t upgrade .
In all my plays I never accepted this part of the quest . I always chose to go it alone . In answer to your other part that would be no bronze talents have to be spent on bronze in that they don`t upgrade .

Little dude slows my Geralt down and cramps his style. Still, I managed to keep him alive last time I took him on. You have to keep enemies away from him and kill them fast, and don't take him into a nest of giant centipedes at all.
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