Activities and customization ideas


Guest 4326407

I watched the demo gameplay and it looks fantastic , it has so much potential and i believe it can be the best game of the century, but it has to deliver in order to be the best, so i want to give you some ideas to make it even more immersive.First thing first, i would love to see club management ( for example you can own a club , you can fully customize it or at least have an influence tree or some sort of level tree for your club. You can hire hookers or create robots for your club , of course the robots can work more hours than humans do.The robots can be built by yourself , in witch case you can fully customize them or they can be bought , depends on how you want to proceed.You will have to protect your business by any means possible , because there will be gangs or assassins that will try to .. take over in time after your club becomes more and more popular and of course everyone will have to get paid , only robots don't need to be paid , instead they will need good maintance , so that will be a bit expensive to ).I would like to see an option where you can perform different sex acts ( this will work great with the club management ) so that would be great.I would like to see an option where i can play with vr in this game, different mini games. Boxing would be great for this game, i would like to be able to compete in tournaments win a lot of money , of course upset some dangerous people and later on they will try to kill V, that would be i think pretty interesting.I hope i can drive flying cars and have demolition derby , racing and of course make them fully customizable. I tihnk you should make your game with mod support , give people the chance to create mods for the game , because i think this is how your game will be played for years. P.S. I almost forgot , i would love to see a fully functional casino in this game.
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You're asking for a lot there, but some of it is doable, like Boxing and casino games.

They haven't even confirmed anything about mini-games & activities yet (I imagine they have other priorities atm :D).
But like you , I really hope there will be this stuff. And if it's not in plans, they should SERIOUSLY think about it again.

There's no point in creating such a detailed, lively city if the player cannot be part of it.
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