Open PTR feedback

Hello CDPR,

1. The Good:

Orders & Artifacts:
Orders, artifact, and unit trinity makes an interesting dynamic where simple removal is not a catch-all answer. Using order abilities makes turns much more fun and there's plenty of opportunities to set up fun combos. In this area, the game is much more interesting than "play a card that plays a card from the deck" --which is welcome --cause what player doesn't like consistency in their decks? But left Gwent pigeon-holed as a game were games could play out the exact same way over and over again. Relying on three different card types adds a much-needed layer to the game. This is a great change.
Also, locking being something that matters again is so welcome I could burst.

The Provision System:
is a great deckbuilding tool. Effectively creating a "resource cost" system that still keeps Gwent from relying on tempo resources systems (mana) or draw systems (land). It also makes deckbuilding almost like its own puzzle minigame.

Super-friends mechanics and lore-friendly changes:
I admit, I am a sucker for these kinds of things. Serrit spotting Auckes for additional effects and vice-versa. Avallach making Ciri cards better. Eredin's leader ability synergizing with Ciri cards. Franchesca having the magus leader ability. Keep moving forward with this design sensibility. As a player that gets itches to make janky, thematic decks, I appreciate these little things greatly --even moreso when those effects are able to still be decently competitive (Tier 2).

2. The Mixed:

Art Design:
Overall the UI design is nice. I's enjoying the larger card art. The battlefield design is a plus, and the unique faction boards are thematic and distinct. But if wouldn't hurt to remove some of the shadows and raise the contrast a bit. Seriously, on the monster board I am squinting to see the cards in my hand --no joke. Also, it would be nice if the camera didn't center away from my hand during my opponents turn.

Deck consistency:

As stated above, it was too easy for Gwent to become a game that plays exactly the same way every game, That's why (according to the content creators) play rates and engagement repeatedly dropped off after the first couple days of a new patch. So I'm sympathetic to making changes to add more variance to the game. That being said, I can't help feel as if the dial has been turned too far into the other direction. I've argued to make Gwent decks thirty cards in the past, but the two bronze limit just doesn't feel fun. I feel "lucky" when I see both of my core bronzes in a game, not rewarded for good deckbuilding. Would thirty card decks with three bronzes break the current system? Or perhaps just try the current build with three bronzes and see if the lowered torturing and thinning effects adds the necessary variance without making decks feel so thin and stretched?

Mulligan System:
If it means I'll never see another blacklisted card two or three more times as my topdeck in a single game ever again --then I'll praise this system as the second coming. But it does have a problem of "perceived value" vs. "practical value" For example, Ethine is a 12 point card that lines up scorches and she has more mulligans than Fran? Likewise Moorvran lets you play with one additional card in your total hand (basically) and has more mulligans than Calveit? Also one mulligan is devastating, and incentives the player to never run thinning cards. Perhaps have one mulligan charge "refresh" between every round to take some of the bite off of this?

Coinflip Solution:
Overall, I like it. I think its a great solution to going first. The problem is that it's a solution that fixes the current version of Gwent and is largely irrelevant to Homecoming's Gwent. More on that below.

3. The Bad:

Card Draw and Handsize:

I know I'm far and away not the only person complaining about this, but I do "seem" to be one of the few people that largely like the changes in Homecoming, with this just being a glaring Albatross that sours this whole game for me. Round one doesn't matter. I can't tell you how many times it has gone as follows: T1: removal or artifact, T2: same: T3: large tempo play (usually Witcher trio with roach) or something similar.) T4: Pass. Then the other player decides to ether not contest the tempo, or to go down as many as four cards to win and simply dry pass round two. It's difficult to articulate all of the problems this creates. No deck can rely on having a good short round that isn't round one. Unless you're setting up card draw effects or resilience in a bleeding round 2, there's no reason to not design every deck to be a ten card round three value deck. It invalidates the coinflip solution (unless player one saves it for T3 tempo play) As player one, using Tactical Advantage before turn 3 is just asking for hard removal. Does it matters if more often than not both players end round 1 at 7 cards? or 4 and a dry pass? It largely invalidates passing, which cannot be stressed was such an important part of skillful Gwent play.

I'm not sure what's the solution to this in Homecoming's build, decks being less consistent means that a six card draw can come in handy, but none of that matters when I often feel that the first two rounds of the game were largely irrelevant. This truly sucks the joy out of the game for me--I know that sounds dramatic, but it's the simple truth. All of the art changes, super friends mechanics and varied unit types don't mean anything if the core of the game (managing your power between three rounds and trying to bluff your opponent to use their best cards on a round you don't care about) is missing.

No "Silver Spies:

Did they need to not have turtoring effects that lower their tempo cost? (Hym, Rainfarn, etc) Absolutely. Did they need the charge cap so they couldn't be played multiple times? Oh yes. Do they all need to have the "Doomed" tag added? Absolutely, but still...these were also a major factor of the game that I just feel the absence has left a hole in the game. One that basically makes it so Ciri cards or resilience cards (Phoenix) are the new auto includes to achieve CA. Deciding when to play a spy is often one of the most rewarding parts of the game. Round three to ensure last say? round two to get card back at the risk of setting up a hero pass? Round one to signal end of round or bluff a follow-up tempo play? Perhaps they could become an auto token like Tactical Advantage?

Can be fired into the sun.

Edit: *** Sihil can be fired into the sun too.

4. Balance:

Witcher Trio: While this is the new annoying auto include, I actually like the core design. But they could use in increase in provision cost. Perhaps 8 per Witcher or even 9?

Pheonix: Same

Harald and Moorvran: Are their own win conditions, almost divisible from the rest of the deck.

Crach and Demavand: I love the design but with two rounds being inconsistent, they remain too slow to actually get real value from their abilities.

Engine cards that are four points or less: a too low tempo and vulnerable to removal to get value in a shorter round, making it so engine cards default to artifacts.

5. Thank you:

For reading this pocket sized version of War & Peace. I do love Gwent, and think there are still many positive changes to the game. Thank you, developers for all of the long hours and toil you've put into making this game I love. I may be a nerd, but I don't write feedback like this for things I hate. You guys made a game that I truly love, and that's why I am so afraid the "Bad" section will overcome the better features that Homecoming has brought. So, I hope this feedback was genuinely constructive as well as critical.
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I don't see how people think rounds don't matter. They matter more than they did before.
The very card burning that occurs when you go over 10 cards is a tool that can be used.
If your hand is a beast you can open pass round 1. If you think your opponent is running a lot of tutor type combos like roach and the 3 witchers or traps you can dry pass round one to burn his combos and ruin his day.
Rounds and the way they interact with each other are much more meaningful than the win-bleed-high value card model we have on live right now.
You can win Round 1 and lose round 2 but in the process set up your carry over. There are ways to ensure 21+ points of carry over with monsters right now. You can enter round 3 with 2 or 3 cards down if your carryover is 21 points you are going to win.
And there are plenty of other fun and interesting things you can do if your care enough to figure them out. If not, just wait a month until people post guides online. But don't cry about netdecking if you do that. :)
about the value of the rounds
1.For the won 1st round you can give 1 additional muligan(With the right choice, send to the cell or to the graveyard)
2.Get a random artifact on the field in the second round
3.Discard a chance card in the opponent’s hand, replacing with another in the deck
4.Carryover to go to the 3rd round

Maybe even give a choice what of this use,depending on what you want:
do you want to bleed in the 2nd round?
Or go to the long 3rd?
Maybe you want mill your opponent?

the choice is yours XD
After Playing the PTR for about 20 hours and messing around with a couple of different concepts and unique "archetypes", here's what I've found:

First Impressions:

-First of all, the coinflip solution seems rather lackluster. card advantage will still be card advantage, and oftentimes those extra 5 points will only accomplish anything when used to buff an engine card out of kill-range. The only reason why it isn't a problem at this moment is the exceedingly high amount of card draw, which brings me to my second point:

-Card draw should just be reverted to what it used to be. I have no problem with hand-size-limit to avoid dry passing, but 3 card draws per round result in the exact same problem we had before: 2 rounds that didn't matter and round 3 on even cards.

-Generally, the gameplay seems very simple, non-diverse and boring. A lot of concepts like strengthen, armor, reveal, drain or swap seem to have been removed, greatly inhibiting you from making interesting decks with unique win conditions. In addition, many cards don't have any real synergy or presence in decks, they just seem poorly thought out, are too theme-oriented (Bearmaster boosting beasts, Spotters "spotting" random enemy cards, etc.), or are just plain bad (Wolf Pack, Peasant Militia, Lyrian cavalry, Axeman, Nauzicaa Seargent). Wanting cards' abilities to reflect their name and image seems like a decent idea, but it just leads to losing track of card design and balance because you are too focused on how the card fits into a faction and not how it might work in a real deck.

-Many cards are just objectively too strong and can win games on their own if left to their own devices, Sihil being the worst offender of this as a neutral card, generating at least 20-30 value in a long round on a 6 point per card average. But there are also cards like the 3 Witchers, Royal Decree, Ruehin, Phoenix, Prince Stennis, Ge'els, Birna Bran, Cerys An Craite, Morkvarg, Ves, Arachas Behemoth or Freyas Blessing that just seem to fit in to most if not all of the faction's archetypes because of how much stronger they are than any other cards of equal provision cost (Admittedly, Royal Decree is a circumstancial necessity because of the lack of thinning and tutors)

Handstates are a big problem, for a number of reasons:

-Thinning and Tutors are still in the game, but seem to largely be in useless positions. Tutor cards are mostly 2 points of base value and have an impossible provision cost of 11-13 (Avallach: Sage, Triss: Telekinesis). Thinning cards like Marching Orders or ADC also seem unplayable due to the lowered base value of cards, making it impossible for them to consistenly tutor the card you want them tutor, aswell as their riddiculously high provision cost.

-Mulligans. Tying mulligan counts to leaders based on their power level is a terrible concept, since the most powerful leaders in Arachas Queen, Bran, Crach, or Voorhis will see play regardless of their mulligans, they simply require balancing in tems of their power level. But tying mulligans to the leader and setting it to a fixed number for the full course of the game is a very unhealthy concept, especially with how necessary mulligans are in a state of the game with no blacklist value and current deck design. Mulligans should be reverted to their pre-homecoming state.

-2 Bronze Copies. It won't work. It. Will. Not. Work. No matter how much you would like for it to, it won't. 2 bronze copies are a fundamental infringement on what makes Gwent Gwent. The reliably tutoring, thinning to 0, and proper bronze ratios for maximized blacklist value was what made Gwent the non-RNG, skill-based card game that it was. It required skill to know how to pilot the deck properly, reduce the deck size and keep track of one's win conditions and card advantage all at the same time to be able to win games. All these factors are now gone, which is largely because of the provision system and reduced maximum amount of bronze copies. Without 3 bronze copies, archetypes, well thought-out strategies and tutors can't exist, robbing Gwent of it's depth and complexity.

My Personal Final Remarks:

-Revert card draw.
-Revert the mulligan system.
-Bring back 3 bronze copies.
-Reduce provision costs for thinning and tutor cards to make them more competitive.
-Change the Coinflip-Fix-Artifact to 8 points
-Look at bronze cards in terms of balancing and numbers, especially cards with some sort of "Faction Identity", as they seem to be the weakest of all bronzes. Instead of identity, try making them fit into an archetype of spies, discard, consume etc. to help them find their place in their respective factions.
-Adjust tutoring cards for lower base powers (e.g. play a card with 1-3 strength from your deck for Marching order and 5 or 6+ strength for ADC)
-Shupe's tooltip is broken
-So is Sweers'
-Hefty Helge says Deploy even though it's Order
-Despite saying „Increase damage permanently,“ Sihil‘s damage is reset upon hitting the graveyard. I‘m not saying the damage increase should be permanent, but just change the tooltip to „for this round.“

God Bless, Much Love. Thanks for taking the time to read this CDPR.
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The game needs a indicator to remind you to end turn now.

To often you just forget that the turn doesn't auto end anymore leading to long periods of nothing happening.
And for my final part of my feedback before deleting gwent PTR.

1. You should fundamentally change the direction Gwent is heading. Two rows, 3D map and boring gameplay (maybe due to a low variety in cards) can be handled, The lack of strategy and tactics in a strategic card game can't be handled. You basically altered the system of what made Gwent actually Gwent:

2. Resolve the issues:
*/the mulligan part is bad (You should get at least one additional mulligan each turn).
*The card draw part is bad (You should have at most 2 card draw).
*The hand limit part is bad (You should have no card limit)
*2 bronze is bad... it lacks consistency.
*the provision system is bad.... it opens the game too much to bad RNG
*the established value for cards is bad (5 for bronze and 9 for gold) because it limits design space and makes the game dull and boring

3. You should actually return Gwent to its roots: bronze silver gold system with 8 /10/12 value with 3:1:1 ratio and fix deck limit of 25. You could add draw 2 instead of 1 in round 3. Now the difference in power between golds/rest is too huge

4. You should actually have warcryes (the deploy ability) talents (effects that trigger automatically at the end of the turn) and abilities (the current orders mechanic)

After two years in Beta and countless games I've played I will soon quit Gwent. It was a nice journey, but no, this will not make the cut. I will give another chance to Gwent
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It depends. You still have the old mindset, that's why YOU made a mistake. It isn't easy to get CA due to passing only.
Mistake? None's playing with the "old mindset" or with "passing only". People pull assumptions out of their arses and feel that they know it all. Please, try to read and comprehend. Look at the trade-offs in round 1 and 2 currently. Try to understand that there might be another problem coming. But alas, don't let me cloud your clear sight and deep knowledge of a game you play for one day.
Alright devs, so one more time. CARDS THAT I DRAW OFTEN END IN UP IN MY GRAVEYARD INSTEAD OF MY HAND. Sorry for caps, but this is absolute major bug that needs to be fixed ASAP. Few examples: My opponent won r1 3 cards down, we both played 2 cards in r2 which means I whould have stayed 3 cards ahead. But no, we went to r3 on even because my opponent drew more cards. Before r2 he drew 2 cards, I "drew" one...I saw it, it disappeared and then I found it in my graveyrd. And this happend several times. So not only that the cards disappear but my opponents even draws more cards. How the hell is that possible? This just decides the game no matter what you play. And yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. E.g. I play the tripple witchers that summon each other. Once Vesemir was one of the cards that went to GY during draws so Eskel summoned only Lambert.

I would really appreciate if you at least read this, devs, because this totally destroys the game. Thanks
Another Balance related feedback i wish to add:

- There are a lot removal, so many units in every factions that has the ability of dealing x amount of damage, It makes units with order completely useless, especially with them being low power, I'm talking about NR machines and soldiers.

- We need more units with zeal and they should have the immune tag, but in the other hand make them cost 9 or 10 provisions, the reason is machines and order units are very slow to play and build up, which is not good for the game overall, it just makes you wanna quit this deck and try something faster.

- There are a lot of units in the same factions that has the same ability with really small differences, which is really nothing but a lazy card design (Sorry), More creativity is required in the cards designing. No one will have a problem if two cards had the same or similar abilities but from different factions, but being in the same faction with almost identical abilities is not a good idea.

I think there is more that should be done for homecoming to be the Gwent game we are looking for, It feels like you guys focused on TB more, I would be fine if you guys delayed HC a little bit and try to focus on the feedback from us, TB can be released on its time with no problems. All I and many of us wants is for this game to be successful.

encountered a Cahir bug on the Gwent PTR. Played with NG against NG. Both player played Cahir.
After a NG Knight boosted an Enemy my Cahir boost himself then his Cahir boost himself then mine and so on.

I quit the game when our Cahirs are way over the 500 Points ;)

Please Fix
Alright devs, so one more time. CARDS THAT I DRAW OFTEN END IN UP IN MY GRAVEYARD INSTEAD OF MY HAND. Sorry for caps, but this is absolute major bug that needs to be fixed ASAP. Few examples: My opponent won r1 3 cards down, we both played 2 cards in r2 which means I whould have stayed 3 cards ahead. But no, we went to r3 on even because my opponent drew more cards. Before r2 he drew 2 cards, I "drew" one...I saw it, it disappeared and then I found it in my graveyrd. And this happend several times. So not only that the cards disappear but my opponents even draws more cards. How the hell is that possible? This just decides the game no matter what you play. And yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. E.g. I play the tripple witchers that summon each other. Once Vesemir was one of the cards that went to GY during draws so Eskel summoned only Lambert.

I would really appreciate if you at least read this, devs, because this totally destroys the game. Thanks
You do know you can have a maximum of 10 cards in your hand, right? Any cards over the 10 limit are automatically destroyed.
Alright devs, so one more time. CARDS THAT I DRAW OFTEN END IN UP IN MY GRAVEYARD INSTEAD OF MY HAND. Sorry for caps, but this is absolute major bug that needs to be fixed ASAP. Few examples: My opponent won r1 3 cards down, we both played 2 cards in r2 which means I whould have stayed 3 cards ahead. But no, we went to r3 on even because my opponent drew more cards. Before r2 he drew 2 cards, I "drew" one...I saw it, it disappeared and then I found it in my graveyrd. And this happend several times. So not only that the cards disappear but my opponents even draws more cards. How the hell is that possible? This just decides the game no matter what you play. And yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. E.g. I play the tripple witchers that summon each other. Once Vesemir was one of the cards that went to GY during draws so Eskel summoned only Lambert.

I would really appreciate if you at least read this, devs, because this totally destroys the game. Thanks

No offense, but you know about hand limit of 10 cards, right? Any cards over 10 go in the graveyard.

You do know you can have a maximum of 10 cards in your hand, right? Any cards over the 10 limit are automatically destroyed.

You were quicker than me (y);)
The hand limit is such a binary all or nothing way to balance the incentive for passing to save the rest of your cards. You either get card advantage or nothing at all for conserving more cards than your opponent. Maybe you should get a reward for each extra card you have over your opponent after a round and then your opponent gets to draw enough cards to go into the next round on equal cards. That would be more tweakable balance wise than card advantage since the reward could be anything.

The Tactical Advantage is great, give it every round to the player who goes first that round! :D
Make gwent more vibrant, color and cleaner. Here is my reshade attempt

Make gwent more vibrant, color and cleaner. Here is my reshade attempt

View attachment 10979375
Very nice. When people said "darker" they didn't mean darker color scheme. They meant make it more gritty and rugged.
Of course I still think that the HC art is garbage(Gwent is played in a tavern - why are cards the size of horses sitting in the mud?). I'm simply stating that your reshade is much better than what CDPR put forward.
Really enjoying so far, thank you. I think clicking on a unit with Henselt’s order shouldn’t deplete it or be possible if you have no copies left to use.
1) Perhaps I'm used to PC play, but the limited ability in PTR to place cards directly on the board with my mouse removes a significant amount of intimacy from the game.

2) Ivo of Belhaven seems to be missing the tool tip that he only has Reach 1. When he's in melee, he can only hit units in the opponent melee row.

3) Vran warriors do their damage whenever an ally is damaged not destroyed. The tool tip says destroyed. This lost me a game.

4) Sound seems to be a problem. The volume of some sound effects is too loud, and others are very quiet. I had once instance of a very very loud white noise burst that lasted for more than a few seconds.

5) Turn timing is very confusing. The turns seem too short given the length of animations and the multiple actions you're sometimes required to take. Personally, I think current Gwent's simple turn structure is more appealing. It gives the game a faster pace, or at least it seems to, compared to the PTR version.

6) The pass mechanics are not at all obvious. Please make the pass button start pulsing brightly when I have no more actions available to me. Or have the game automatically pass if there are not more actions. Make all action indicators brighter when they become available. I missed a number of pyrotechnician and mastercraft spear pings because I was inattentive. My own fault, but it would help if you gave us a bit more help.

7) The card instructions for row placement are easy to forget. It would be very helpful to have melee and/or range symbols back on the cards if it has one or two legitimate options. I love that cards get a choice of effects depending on row placement, but it needs to have a bit more clarity. I made mistakes a few times and had at least 4 opponents forfeit because they made a row placement mistake. Putting a melee symbol on Mahakam Volunteers, or both symbols on Aguara for example would help gameplay. The symbols could be visible in hand and disappear on the board, which would limit how much they obscure the beautiful artwork.

8) Weather should have a row counter visible. Put it next to the row insignia? Maybe little hash marks that disappear as the weather damage ticks.

9) Calveit is too powerful. He lets you play the same card twice in one turn. I lost maybe one game in fifteen playing Calveit with some locks and Vattier.

10) I agree with other posters that the color pallet could be brightened up a bit. I like the tone of the Witcher universe, but the game itself has very low contrast.

11) You can not search for artifacts in the deck builder. Put a tag on them so we can search and filter for them. Initially I had no idea what cards were artifacts.

12) Put a counter on the face down units like crushing trap so we know which round it will go off.

13) I am not sure if I like the 2 card vs 3 card bronze limit. Perhaps you could put a higher provision cost on the 3rd bronze copy? Some decks would be more interesting if they had access to a third version of the card.

14) Blacklisting always seemed like a great mechanic. Seems to be gone. I would like to see it return.

15) I love the new design with cards like Vesemir Mento and Ivo rewarding you for adding witchers to the deck. I'd like to see more implementation of tag bonuses. For example for building a mage heavy deck, or for Geralt/Yenn (damage bonus) or Geralt/Triss (boosts bonus) being included in your deck. It would also be interesting to have cards that would let you include specific tagged cards from other factions in your deck. For example a 'vanilla' Geralt that would give you access to a NIlfguardian Yenn card.

16) Foglets should be immune to fog damage and extra damage from fire weather. Likewise with drowners and rain / fire damage. Just a thought.

Thanks again for staying with us.
Just downladed Open PTR, but as I start the game I can't see any of the main menu "buttons" and graphics (apart from the corner small icons).

Also no cards are visible, neither in loading screens or in decks.

Anyone has similar problems?

I have the same problem, its imposible to play like this. How can I solve it?
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