Cat School armor changed?

I came back to W3 after some time, and I've noticed that the color palette for the Cat School armor has been changed. Is there a reason for this? It looked great before, but now it's really lackluster.

Is there anyway to revert it back to it's original color palette?
Is there a reason for this?
At a guess, you're probably seeing the texture changes which were made to accommodate the armour-dye mechanic for Witcher Gear, which was introduced with Blood and Wine.
Is there anyway to revert it back to it's original color palette?
Short of restoring the entire game to a previous patch version, no, there's no individual option to change just the armours back on consoles.
Can the armor dye mechanic replicate the old armor?
I don't think so. I never bothered with Witcher Gear, so I also never dyed any of those armours, but I'm fairly certain the mechanic just allows players to change the colour of their sets.
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