Nilfgaard - Relentlessly Boring

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Context does help as the reader doesn't know what you consider to be good.

Regardless if it is your current rank, or the previous one that you said in another conversation, I'm pretty close to it. These decks are good, and it is fully possible to make your own good decks.
Regardless if it is your current rank, or the previous one that you said in another conversation, I'm pretty close to it. These decks are good, and it is fully possible to make your own good decks.

Did I ever say someone can't make their own good decks?

You said you made some good NG decks that don't use those cards so I just wanted to know what rank you are playing at to provide context. If you are interested I also wouldn't mind taking a look at those decks as I am legitimately curious if they wouldn't benefit from some of those cards.
Nah, I'm not interested in sharing my decks, they are my decks for my own use. Rank is relevant, but I'm high enough ranked to be able to state that the decks are good. It's up to you to believe that or not. I'm not saying they are premium or superior or would work great at pro rank.

I'm still a newbie btw, and I'm still learning. I'm just debunking this thread. It's fully possible to make good Nilfgaard decks without any or few of those cards, and it is fully possible to make a wide range of good Nilfgaard decks.

That's my take on it. Take it or leave it.
I'm still a newbie btw, and I'm still learning. I'm just debunking this thread. It's fully possible to make good Nilfgaard decks without any or few of those cards, and it is fully possible to make a wide range of good Nilfgaard decks.

This fully depends on the definition of good. While I was trying to get to pro rank I most likely wouldn't have used your hand made decks because they lack the power those cards provide. This is just conjecture as I don't know what you are playing.
I'm a sucker for a combination of tempo, sabotage and control.

I guess my definition of good is decks that are great and/or win you alot of games at single digit ranks (or even low double digits). But I never claimed my decks are great or exceptional. Just good.

I'm not talking about pro-ranks, that's something entirely different.
I'm a sucker for a combination of tempo, sabotage and control.

I guess my definition of good is decks that are great and/or win you alot of games at single digit ranks (or even low double digits). But I never claimed my decks are great or exceptional. Just good.

I'm not talking about pro-ranks, that's something entirely different.

I would agree with that. I'm sure I could make a bunch of NG decks without those cards and do just fine at lower ranks. I just find NG to be pretty boring right now. Tactics decks are kind of cool but again seem to be extremely similar.
Anybody else finding it incredibly boring playing against this? I don't mind playing against any other faction because there's variety (not much, but some), but NG is the same game on repeat. Bear in mind how many cards the game has it seems almost embarrassing that every NG player chooses the exact same 25 cards. Broke as ****-peddlars!

I just played 4 matches today, every game, I got destroyed by the Geralt card being played twice with leader ability, destroying my two highest boosted cards in the last round. Geralt should do damage, not "destroy". Not being able to shield my units is incredibly frustrating.
I just played 4 matches today, every game, I got destroyed by the Geralt card being played twice with leader ability, destroying my two highest boosted cards in the last round. Geralt should do damage, not "destroy". Not being able to shield my units is incredibly frustrating.

Nah, Geralt should destroy, not do damage.

I've had frustrations with big units as well, and I made a new deck where units generally do not put 8 or above points on the board, but in many cases put 5-7 with damage or some other effect or a tiny engine. This kind of strategy works quite well against Leo/Geralt.

There should be an associated risk with playing big cards. It would be near impossible to deal with that without Leo/Geralt and their destroy ability, which would create an incredibly boring game where one opponent just boost and play big units, and very few, and the opponent tries to damage it as much as possible.

That doesn't sound very fun to me.

Personally, I've asked myself if it should not be 10 points or above, and I've also questioned gold replays (in general). I don't know to be honest, but it's thoughts that linger in my head, but generally I trust CDPR more than myself when it comes to this game.

It's often easy to raise issues in ones own interest, rather than adjusting ones own behaviour.
There are insane amount of decks with Nilfgaard , the problem is the idiotic and chaotic Control in this game which doesn't allow normal gameplay with engine decks.
We still have semi-unitless decks and ''i can't target this'' decks ... so basically lot's of options are cut and people who wish to compete use more optimal decks.
I think one of the biggest problems people have with NG is that they use Damage and Lock mindlessly on stuff they should not , so when the time comes it's basically game over.
Nilfgaard will be interesting again once Assimilate becomes playable.

IMO this involves making all its engines 3 power instead, and increasing the boost they gain from 1 to 2.
Additionally, the faction as a whole needs more options to replicate/steal an enemy's gold cards, as you can't replicate and play the opponent's deck just with the bronzes. Cantarella should give you two options from the top cards of the opponent's deck, and just some extra gold cards that play cards from the opponent's deck consistently.

Another option to make the faction and this deck more interesting would be to increase its adaptability. Aside from being too weak, it's also useless when the opponent relies on hand synergies like Auckes/Serrit/Venendal Elite etc. Cards which when played, transform a card in your hand into a card from the opponent's deck could mitigate this, but obviously, this needs to be nerfed enough to avoid being too powerful. As too many golds as it stands right now focus on good individual value rather than synergy.

Annarieta is also terrible leader as it stands sadly :p
Nilfgaard will be interesting again once Assimilate becomes playable.

IMO this involves making all its engines 3 power instead, and increasing the boost they gain from 1 to 2.

Mmmh it seems that you did not encountered a full assimilate cheesy engines deck yet. It is all-in (no control at all) but can work in some matchups. I don't wan't to imagine the nightmare it would be with your suggestion.
Nilfgaard will be interesting again once Assimilate becomes playable.

I've not played it, but I've seen very playable assimilate decks on video.

When assimilate was first introduced, I was caught unaware at my level of play, and although the opponent was not very good nor his deck, I was punished by underestimating assimilate. I learned my lesson.

Anyways, check out some assimilate decks on youtube.

Ps. Annarietta is perhaps not as good as first thought, but it is an interesting leader. Combined with bribe and other things, you can gather alot of information about the opponent deck.
Nilfgaard will be interesting again once Assimilate becomes playable.

I've faced a few Ardal Assimilate decks on ranked and the amount of points the Assimlate units generate is quite scary. I was still victorious, but it was definitely closer that I would have excepted.
I am not a NG player, in fact i played 0 games with NG in homecoming, but i played a lot vs NG and that counts too.
I mostly play NR these days since in is my favourite faction a it is kinda playable right now.

The NG witcher trio is very versatile and can win games for you, but it has its downside. It gives information to your opponent about the cards you have. Its very similiar to MO crones. They are very good synergy cards, but again, you know what those cards will do if they get played.

As a NR player i am very avare of danger those cards represent. I had a game with my henselt draug deck vs a guy who played ardal. That meant i had to do everything i could to avoid getting all my revenants locked and my opponent gave me all info i needed on r3 start, when he played his letho.
So i knew he had both serrit and auckes in hand so i could play around that superlock. If possible i play draug as a 3rd last card, in this case it wasnt possible bcs my opponet kept holding the duo on hand, bcs he knew i had draug, bcs i was pinging his units to 1 whole 3rd round with my units which didnt get locedk or seized. Problem was, i knew he wants to superlock me and since i had last say he had to play one of the duo before i played my draug which ment no superlock and i easily won that match. And why? Bcs he played a deck which had that trio in it. Maybe if he didnt play letho as his second r3 card, i wouldnt knew he had superlock ready and i would have played my draug as 3rd last card and lost that game...

The same goes for crones, did your opponent played a consume crone? Then expect he has 4 dmg one ready and try to play around it. Play 5point cards or cards less than 4 to deny value to him and bait it out.

The fact that those cards are strong and have good synergies mean that are in almost every deck and thats also their big weakness.

I do in fact manage to win vs most of the players who use decks which are considered ,,meta,, or ,,netdecks,, just bcs i know what they have. While most of my losses vs NG are vs decks who run unusuall cards and are considered weak. When you play vs NG you dont expect that you will need many locks or teh cards that can get locked arent very strong so i foolishly used my margarita to lock the NG melee version of trebuchet and then i lost the game, why? Bcshe had hefty helge, which is a card i have never seen being played, that guy played it at the right time and it won him the game.

I almost never use those netdecks and if i do, i always change a few cards, just because one differend card which your opponent do not expect can win you matches.

And people who call this game boring do not know anything about this game. There is a lot strategy in it, you got to plan what you wanna do based on your initial hand, you got to anticipate what is your opponent going to do and adjust the order in which you play your cards. So stop playing those netdecks and go and build your own decks. You say NG doesnt have variety? It does, not that much as other factions, but its still there, you just got to find it.

P.S I was doing my foltest deck for this faction challenge and found a card i totaly forgot that it exists, and it does wonders. I won every match vs t1 svalblod deck with it :smart:


Forum veteran
You should go Triss for double assimilate proc, and Operator is good to copy your own units. Much better than Uma/Dudu

Yeah, im guessing some streamer just posted an optimized Assimilate deck because before today i was pretty happy with mine, but today faced several that were clearly better and were pratically unstoppable.

Holy F---ing Assimilate.jpg

Early R3 i thought i had him because at the end i could just use Double Leo + Peter, but there was just too many engines, not to mention my side of the board was full because i was running a swarm deck, and he was "helping" with spies.

First i was impressed by this deck, but after seeing 2 or 3 exactly the same, i figured it must be a new metadeck with carefully explained guides instead of actual good players.
Yeah, im guessing some streamer just posted an optimized Assimilate deck because before today i was pretty happy with mine, but today faced several that were clearly better and were pratically unstoppable.

Early R3 i thought i had him because at the end i could just use Double Leo + Peter, but there was just too many engines, not to mention my side of the board was full because i was running a swarm deck, and he was "helping" with spies.

First i was impressed by this deck, but after seeing 2 or 3 exactly the same, i figured it must be a new metadeck with carefully explained guides instead of actual good players.

Have a look into this guy, he has run some assimilate decks recently:

(the deck in your picture looks alot like that one)
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Yeah, im guessing some streamer just posted an optimized Assimilate deck because before today i was pretty happy with mine, but today faced several that were clearly better and were pratically unstoppable.

It probably comes from a streamer, but in fact the deck is quite straightforward, you do not need any guide to play it.

It is not very strong, unfortunately swarm is not very good against spies:shrug:

PS : at least you had some unusual figures in R3, 200 pts on the battlefield :cool:


Forum veteran
It probably comes from a streamer, but in fact the deck is quite straightforward, you do not need any guide to play it.

It is not very strong, unfortunately swarm is not very good against spies:shrug:

PS : at least you had some unusual figures in R3, 200 pts on the battlefield :cool:

Yeah, i was trying a full on slave infantry/ swarm deck, with Yennefer, but that relies on putting way more units on the board than the opponent, and yet most of the times the opponent can put as many units as me, either by destroying mine or adding several of theirs.

After a few hours, i started thinking maybe i should have gone with Yrden instead of Yen, it would definitely have been better against these assimilate decks.
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