I don't like how we are "generalizing" cards

Prime example being Call of forest, Cerys, Bearmaster, remove of reach etc

Removing unique and special abilities and adding a simple damge/boost/bleed/vitality/play/summon ability is not how i define fun

Also the fact that with call of forest Francesca is just a better Dana through and through, while the old call of forest was unique and no need to change

It seems whenever a unique and potentially fun card is underplayed/overpowered, instead of trying to adjust to a ok power level, CDPR just rework the card with a simple, boring ability, and in all the things Dev have done, this being the one I dislike the most

So many cards and mechnic could have worked if they put their mind to it, but now they seem to prefer putting cards into existing archetypes, instead of releasing interesting ability and let player discover their strength and uses, and then adjust power level with player defined role of that card
I agree. The whole update this time around feels like it's just streamlining as hard as possible before they roll out the mobile version. No more leader models so they can focus on selling skins, which are really just imported game models but touched up or down in some cases. No more unique card synergies, instead anything that's slightly broken in a combo gets upped in provisions and lowered points. No more flexible leaders because they're all just being made into faction restricted tutors. They might as well remove neutrals next update and make a lot of the faction bronzes into reskins of the same card.

There was a sweet spot they hit at one point after Homecoming. Now it just feels like they're blowing way past it.
Maybe I have read a wrong patch notes, or maybeee you are just mad about Beastmaster, I really can't understand how this or the previous patch was "removing unique ability" first of all they put it on another card and second the previous ability of beastmaster was "BOOST" so I don't see how this makes it more dull or boring, no comment about the other cards you mentioned I think you haven't read the patch notes period!
And Cerys went from Summon to Summon, so not much changed. And while her previous effect was pretty standard, I don't rember having any card like her new concept in the game.

And while the new Call of the Forst is rather bland, it previously was too niche. Was it often used with anything besides Aelirenn?

What they did with this patch was to give some rather unfished archetypes more support, which requires adding some more generic abilities. For what is it worth, if you have lots of unique cards with interesting concepts, if none of them works together, because they are too unique. Gwents cardpool is still rather small and they never said that the removed abilities and archetypes won't come back, but for now it is better not to have too many loose ends.

And reach just didn't work the way it was envisioned. And I say that even though I was the one to first suggest reach in the forums..
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Forum veteran
Did you guys see the video? Or only the patch notes? Because if you had seen the video, you wouldn't have created this thread. CDPR hates removing unique stuffs. Did you see how many times Jason said "I am sad that we had to kill Igor?" Many times. He was genuinely sad. I felt bad for him. If there is a unique card which does some crazy things, it is abused like hell and people scream to get it nerfed. If it is a unique card with meh ability, no one bothers about it. It is because of us, we players, CDPR can't do crazy things. There is a notorious term called "reddit army" who trolls and trolls every day whenever anyone loses any game to good powerful cards.

See how many times Bruza was referring to "4th most played leader"? I think it is still haunting him.

How else to balance things than changing provisions? If some card is too strong for its provisions, it has to be balanced and vice versa.

[I don't know, I am just very happy about ST changes and I believe that ST can be Tier 1 this patch. Though a little sad about Ida, Neophytes and the PoS Ele'yas, other changes to ST are too good, at least I think so. So, my love and support for CDPR is at its record high :p:p]
I feel that the principle the devs are holding now is 'linearity', and as a result more cards are reduced to simple boosting/damaging X points and thus 'generalization' appears to happen. But it seems to be necessary for them to make the game more 'competitive', and perhaps the best for now.
I don't think this is an easy thing to do. I mean, generally cards with unique abilities are not working good every match. They are good against certain factions, or they are good with certain cards. But cards with simple boost abilities are guarantee points so people generally prefer them.
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