Does the game really take 80 hours to beat?

As GAME WIDOW and others have said:Yes, this game can take 80 hours to beat.Yes it can take less time to finish.But the game SHOULD NOT be played to a specific time-limit. You must play it to EXPERIENCE it, not FINISH it.It's a bl--dy great ride and worth the effort.End transmission. :sleep:
Xellotath said:
That's the great thing buddy, with the several different paths you can take and significantly altered plot, dialogue and cut scenes with each choice, as well as slightly different endings, in my opinion the game is worth at least two play-throughs to anyone who enjoys it. Any more than that is up to the individual, but i definitely recommend at least two :peace:
Yes, it seems like it has a great replay value with the many alternate things you can do which will lead to a variety of different things that will happen that you otherwise would miss out on if you just played through it once. I am very intrigued by that, it shows me that the developer's took alot of effort and dedication into making the game which has an effect on how good it is.I would still probably play it a second time even if that wasn't the case of it having multiple endings and things to do not available in a single playthrough simply because if I find a game to be fun then I'll more than likely keep playing it over and over. In a way the game could be infinite and endless as long as you make it that way and to rush through it as if it was a race or some kind of chore is very bizzare. If you only a play a game like that and skip out all of the fun, then truly, what is the point in even attempting to play it? It would just cause a hinderance and things will be conglomerated in a heap of confusion. You would be too scattered and distracted and it would be nothing but your own fault.There's people who try to rush through everything, and most of the time it just doesn't work out in their favor, patience and tolerance is the key, with that all things will work out and you can rest assured you will find joy in them. For would it not be worth your time to go through the game extensively if you are already taking the time to play it? The enjoyment you desire wouldn't become fully realized because everything will be so vague in detail. You may as well play a game like pong that has nothing going for it except the fact that it's there to play.I only wish I was able to play this game's what 2 and a half years old now? I live in America, so maybe that's why considering that The Witcher was exclusively in Europe for awhile. I haven't read Sapkowski's books either. I'm glad they, and the game have been translated, maybe I'll look into the books eventually as well but who knows about that. I'd rather play the games and visually see what's going on instead of just imagining it.
Depends on the player.If you go straight through the game with out actually role playing or experience the other great things about the game, it can be beaten in like 30 hours. But if you were to do that it wouldn't be any fun.
VictoriousDead said:
Depends on the player.If you go straight through the game with out actually role playing or experience the other great things about the game, it can be beaten in like 30 hours. But if you were to do that it wouldn't be any fun.
Yeah, the role-playing definitely can add to the time it takes to play through. I (Geralt) just went through another round of slaughtering booglies. Only to get a mixed bag of 1: lots of nice swag, and 2: finding out that a certain corpse I found was a person that I (Geralt) kindof liked personally (purely as a friendship / colleague liking), even though our relationship was purely professional... and this person now apparently is clearly not who I thought. In fact, it gets worse..... much worse....Life sux....all I ever do is spend my time tramping through nasty places, risking my life fighting a never-ending swarm of monsters for a few lousy orens, most people think you are a freak, all the people you start to get to know and maybe even like them, end up in jail or dead... what's there to live for, anyway? OK, so Zoltan thinks my life has purpose, but I don't know, Witchers like me IMO are a dying breed...Time to go to the Hairy Bear and get completely plastered on the local cheap crappy beer. Again. And have intelligent conversations with some boozer who thinks that "Export" is some very wealthy country that can afford to buy up just incredible amounts of the locally manufactured intoxicants. Yep, there's another half hour or so of game-time.
VictoriousDead said:
Depends on the player.If you go straight through the game with out actually role playing or experience the other great things about the game, it can be beaten in like 30 hours. But if you were to do that it wouldn't be any fun.
This is veary True There are gamer out there that think it a race to finish a game so they can say I beaten this game in 4 hr which never made any sense to me.That like saying I skip all the stuff in the middle of this book and read the ending so I know all there is to know ::)
I wonder that too - what's the fastest someone can actually get through the witcher? You'd have to stick to the main quests, but you're XP would be crap by the last chapters so you'd die quickly unless you were playing on easy.
i could only contemplate a "fastest run while still completing every single quest" ;D -- i simply cannot bring myself to *not* do a quest :peace:
That gets too complicated, generally speed runs are always essentialist in nature, simply doing the main quest as quickly as possible. If you introduce more than that, then different speed runs become incomparable due to the additional variables, especially in an RPG :peace:
truth be told, i'm unlikely to do any (More) runs ;) ... at least not for a good long time ... i think 30 is enough :peace:
PLAYING QUICKLY is extremely wrongDo not rush through the game, try to complete all the quests ! It is not possible during the first time and it all depends on some choices, ... so better play 3times and spend at least 100 h (= 300-305 h minimum) WHY BUY IT IF NOT USE IT ON 100% ?The Witcher is worth all the time spent
gamewidow said:
i could only contemplate a "fastest run while still completing every single quest" ;D -- i simply cannot bring myself to *not* do a quest :peace:
I agree. Paying the money for a game to simply fly through it, without delving into every possible nook, seems so... Mc Donalds.. I.E. Fast Food for gaming. I'll pass. I prefer to get my money's worth, not to mention looking for all the content developers put in to ensure quality. Maybe the next-gen gamers want boxed Happy Meals, but I look for detail.~ Roxy
There's no wrong way to enjoy a game you paid for and keep on your own harddrive. Someone may like the challenge of speedrunning it and earn the bragging rights. I might try it at least once after fully exploring it, but I wouldn't take as much satisfaction in it. This is one of those few games in which even level grinding is fun, talking to every character in the game world is worthwhile, both good reasons to take your time with it.
Save the speedrunning challenges for games like Metal Gear Solid, Half Life, or any other action genre game that exists, it's more rewarding and gratifying. However, play how you want and whatever play-style you are most comfortable with, not everyone plays the same way and no one should be forced to play a certain way, that would be demented but atleast spar some time to immerse into the story a little bit. Afterall, why play an RPG if you don't care about story elements. That's kind of the main purpose to playing them and it wouldn't make sense to me otherwise, then again that's just how I perceive it, sounds simple enough to me but ofcourse it may sound unorthodox to someone else.Also, if an RPG or most games in general for that matter, do not take a considerable amount of time to end then I'd automatically assume that game is lackluster and doesn't deserve my time anyway. That reason is because, if it's short then that usaully lets me know that there isn't much to the game for me to become interested in.
truthfully, It took me about 45 hours, non-stopbut you're talking about completing the entire thing, then, it took me 92 hours, including lunch and bathroom depends on how completed you all want it to beeither you want to complete the whole thing entire thing or you're in a rush and just want to complete it and see how really good it is.
swordandshield said:
Afterall, why play an RPG if you don't care about story elements. That's kind of the main purpose to playing them and it wouldn't make sense to me otherwise, then again that's just how I perceive it, sounds simple enough to me but ofcourse it may sound unorthodox to someone else.
Some RPGs, like Titan Quest, have rather minimal story... fantastic for when I just want to spend ten minutes mindlessly slaughtering my way through some pretty scenery, but have enough "plot and story" to sort of hang the scenery and carnage on. It's at least got a litte more "story" than something like Bejeweled. Not a whole lot more, but every little bit helps. :DDeep story games like the Witcher I prefer save for when I have an hour or so to disappear into the game, so that I can just immerse in the story and character.
I doubt it. It is a very long game with a lot of additional content aside from the main game, but 90 hours is around 30-40 extra hours if you'll ask me for one playthrough... It really depends thou on the player, it does say non linear gameplay, so it pretty much says play again, take a different path, you get more playtime.
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