Guns/weapons you wanna see in Cyberpunk?

Ok... I found my guns =P


Fallout 4 had this rather cyberpunk-y concept art for a bio-weaponry, but it was cut. Eventually modders made it into a real thing. I'd love to see something of this sort in CP2077.
There are some pretty cool weapons coming to the new cyberpunk game, we don't know exactly at this point the breadth of variety.

Here are some of my suggestions for weapons that could return or be added at a later date

Splatman Airpistol (CyberGeneration)
A Paintball Gun that can have different types of ammunition can be loaded.
Splatman Airpistol 2.png

Rhinemetall EMG-85 Kinetic Energy Railgun (Chromebook Vol.2)
Portable Railgun/Rocket launcher style weapon
Rhinemetall EMG-85 Kinetic Energy Railgun.png

Zapman Taser Pistol (CyberGeneration)
Variable electric output taser gun (Non-lethal to Lethal)
StunGun GTA.png

Avante P-1135 Needlegun (Cyberpunk 2020)
A lightweight plastic, compressed-air powered pistol. The weapon can fire Various different types of poisonous or drugged needles.

No photo sorry :(

Wolvers (Cyberpunk 2020)
Blades that extend out of the forearm unlike Wolverines claws which come out of his hands.
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I'd like to see a lot of cp2020 weapons in game and some heavy weapons, like a mingun or something,but if I had to narrow it down to 3 I'd like to see
I want to see a shotgun which one-shot kills if fired in the face of an opponent 2 meters in front of you.
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