Upcoming changes for the next Journey

Last journey I do not have cards and it make me unable to complete several journey quests until later. I wish the new journey quest is more friendly to new players who lack of cards.
Hi all

So first of all i like the Journey System a lot and even though i play since Closed Beta and have thousands of scraps and all the cards i plan to buy it just to support this card game with such beautiful artwork.
But i can only do this if there are balance fixes very soon. Ethereal and these broken skellige bronzes take so much fun away from me.
Please fix balance and i buy it immediately ;)
Hi all

So first of all i like the Journey System a lot and even though i play since Closed Beta and have thousands of scraps and all the cards i plan to buy it just to support this card game with such beautiful artwork.
But i can only do this if there are balance fixes very soon. Ethereal and these broken skellige bronzes take so much fun away from me.
Please fix balance and i buy it immediately ;)

Same here
Hi all

So first of all i like the Journey System a lot and even though i play since Closed Beta and have thousands of scraps and all the cards i plan to buy it just to support this card game with such beautiful artwork.
But i can only do this if there are balance fixes very soon. Ethereal and these broken skellige bronzes take so much fun away from me.
Please fix balance and i buy it immediately ;)

What did poor Ethereal do to ya to deserve such treatment ? :sad:#demonlivesmatter aswell ya know ! :howdy:
This is great news, with just one exception, that rewards are not what keep players engaged. Gwent already has a wonderful economy, which everyone is or atleast should be thankfull for.

Gwent would truly be a marvelous and exciting game, if balance and variability of playable cards was an actual thing. Monthly adjustments are either too weak (SK hotfix) or too strong (as the case with harmony). With so many unplayable cards, the game is not interesting enough to play for 1 month, before arrival of a balance patch. There isn't a single reward system that can grow the player-base, as the game itself, which currently feels lackluster.
Ethereal and these broken skellige bronzes take so much fun away from me.

Skellege I can agree with, but Ethereal isn't too broken. It's no worse than Ruehin or some NR combos for points per turn generation, it's just that it isn't easy to shut down. Further, if you have some cards with move, you can turn Ethereal into a weapon of destruction for your own good by feeding your opponent's other cards to Ethereal.

I was playing ST with Malena a while ago and that was SOOOO much fun. I let my opponent plunk a few high value cards down on the opposite row, played Malena and started feeding them back to his Ethereal row. :)
This is great news, with just one exception, that rewards are not what keep players engaged. Gwent already has a wonderful economy, which everyone is or atleast should be thankfull for.

Gwent would truly be a marvelous and exciting game, if balance and variability of playable cards was an actual thing. Monthly adjustments are either too weak (SK hotfix) or too strong (as the case with harmony). With so many unplayable cards, the game is not interesting enough to play for 1 month, before arrival of a balance patch. There isn't a single reward system that can grow the player-base, as the game itself, which currently feels lackluster.

- While I agree that the game is really generous for a f2p i cannot in good conscience disregard the fact that since the last journey and the way the old crown system worked with wins has changed RP comes a lil bit slow in comparison to how it was, now that wouldn't be a issue if you didn't need those RP to buy card packs but you do.
Those said card packs contain dozens if not hundreds of cards that are pretty much useless considering the fact that they haven't been reworked to fit the current meta, so new players need to swim in a pool of $h!t trying to find what they need in order to build a good deck.
Don't know if you catch mah drift :howdy:

- I will be buying in this upcoming journey cause i enjoyed the previous one but I won't forget the fact that big part of my enjoyment came from the purchases I made right from the get go, the ultimate starter pack and some monsters packs (my favs).
If I was to start from scratch just f2p...
...mmhhmmm, i honestly don't think i would've enjoyed my self as much.
Cheers !
Instead of making gameplay better and rise real money prices for cards, they are making gameplay toxic (or are unable to make it better, I dunno) and geaving everything almost for free in desperate hope to keep players with game. That policy leads only one way and can't ends well...
- While I agree that the game is really generous for a f2p i cannot in good conscience disregard the fact that since the last journey and the way the old crown system worked with wins has changed RP comes a lil bit slow in comparison to how it was, now that wouldn't be a issue if you didn't need those RP to buy card packs but you do.
Those said card packs contain dozens if not hundreds of cards that are pretty much useless considering the fact that they haven't been reworked to fit the current meta, so new players need to swim in a pool of $h!t trying to find what they need in order to build a good deck.
Don't know if you catch mah drift :howdy:

Not quite. Are you saying that the game got to the point where it is difficult for a new players to make a competitive deck, because there are so few of 'good cards' due to balance issues, that developers decided to increase rewards, to make the game more accessible for new players, rather than fixing the real problem which is the balance itself.

With other words, are you saying that the game is kept unbalanced with the sole purpose to increase profits of CDPR, through encouragement for the players to stay competitive in Gwent, by purchasing newly printed cards. While keeping the appearances that the game is economically accessible, given the increase of rewards you earn through the journey ?

If so, you are making a valid point.
Not quite. Are you saying that the game got to the point where it is difficult for a new players to make a competitive deck, because there are so few of 'good cards' due to balance issues, that developers decided to increase rewards, to make the game more accessible for new players, rather than fixing the real problem which is the balance itself.

With other words, are you saying that the game is kept unbalanced with the sole purpose to increase profits of CDPR, through encouragement for the players to stay competitive in Gwent, by purchasing newly printed cards. While keeping the appearances that the game is economically accessible, given the increase of rewards you earn through the journey ?

If so, you are making a valid point.

The basic law of economy is: if the demand for product is growing, the prices of these product are growing; with less demand for it, the prices are lower;
Therefore even if we dont know officially real amount of players in gwent because these kind of data are confidential, we can assume with a lot of certenity that if the prices for in-game purchases are going down (it will be most generous reward system in gwent history as Salama said) instead of going up, than that mean's one of two things or partially both simultaniously:

1. that the playerbase is shrinking
2. That the playerbase is not growing as fast as was expected after android/ios/steam releases.

Regardless with one of mentioned above reasons causwd these "most generous reward system in gwent history" , than judging by a lot of very negative opinions on official forums or reddit and many players complains for a long time about bad game balance (what is a very broad, different topic in itself) it is the first one reason that come to mind in assuming why playerbase of Gwent players is shrinking or nor growing fast enough. So that rise a question: why if the developers know that bad gameplay balance is causing players flustration for a long time, they didn't improve that aspect of the game for a long time? By, for example, hiring a group of proffesional testers that will test every new idea's for new cards / new mechanics for weeks of even months before they will be released what could prevent of release cards/mechanics that could cause flostration in players. The undispiutable prove that these kind of tests are not exist at all are hotfixes released just even few days after cards releases, just like hotfix of Detlaff few days after its release after Crimson Curse expansion, or recent Second Wind hotfix few days after new expansion release. So if the devs team is still don't run professional tests of new things introduced into the game even with knowledge that broken game is followed by players flustration, and players flustration if followed with players leaving game, that it means one of two things:

1. or the decisionmakers in Gwent's department in CDPR are incompetent and missed so obvious conclusions (what in unlikely because these conclusions are quite obvious even for very avarage managers)
2.or they just don't have sufficent founds to finance these kindays of testing, ahat leads to more players leaving a game, what leads to even less founds, what leads to lowering prices, what leads to even worse game and that can unfortunately ends only in Gwent's turning into very marginal , irrelevant game of even close of project.

The only reason to avoid that is to break vicious circle of bad game balance ---> players flustration ---> lowering prices and change into good game balance ---> more players ---> higher prices.
There if no other way around it IMHO
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The basic law of economy is: if the demand for product is growing, the prices of these product are growing; with less demand for it, the prices are lower;
Therefore even if we dont know officially real amount of players in gwent because these kind of data are confidential, we can assume with a lot of certenity that if the prices for in-game purchases are going down (it will be most generous reward system in gwent history as Salama said) instead of going up, than that mean's one of two things or partially both simultaniously:

1. that the playerbase is shrinking
2. That the playerbase is not growing as fast as was expected after android/ios/steam releases.

Much of what you argue may be true, but your economics is bad because the basic law you cite has assumptions that may not hold — in particular that production remains constant. I think we can all agree that the demand for a magazine like National Geographic is much higher than the demand for a technical journal like the Journal of Magnetic Resonance, yet National Geographic is much, much cheaper. The reason is that there is sufficient demand for the former to drive down production costs. Whether Gwent is facing the situation you describe, or whether the player base has grown to a point where lower charges are now able to pay developers salaries cannot be determined without further financial information.
Much of what you argue may be true, but your economics is bad because the basic law you cite has assumptions that may not hold — in particular that production remains constant. I think we can all agree that the demand for a magazine like National Geographic is much higher than the demand for a technical journal like the Journal of Magnetic Resonance, yet National Geographic is much, much cheaper. The reason is that there is sufficient demand for the former to drive down production costs. Whether Gwent is facing the situation you describe, or whether the player base has grown to a point where lower charges are now able to pay developers salaries cannot be determined without further financial information.

The example that You geave with magazines it's something different - it's apply to area of people interested in particular type of literature - and therefore of course more people are interested in one area, then another one. In Gwent's example hoever, the gwent is just a gwent - the one and only, unique. Of couse there are a lot of other card games on the market, but there is none second gwent. And therefore or players have a choice to play gwent (accepting its ingame purchase prices as a part of decision), or don't play it, without third option. And that is where the most important issue is, regardless if they quit gwent for another card game, for tottaly another type of game, or they stopped playing at all in anything. And therefore if the playerbase would be constantly growing and the "quits" would be at tolerable level, they would be absolutely no need to reduce ingame purchases prices, bah, furthermore in PTC as CDPR lowering prices without reason could be considered as mismanagement for some shareholders and results in lawsiuts. And that is why we can bet on it, that if the crusiual ingame purchases of cards prices are lowered out of blue to the lowest level in history, that it IS probably a consequence of shrinking playerbase
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Not quite. Are you saying that the game got to the point where it is difficult for a new players to make a competitive deck, because there are so few of 'good cards' due to balance issues, that developers decided to increase rewards, to make the game more accessible for new players, rather than fixing the real problem which is the balance itself.

With other words, are you saying that the game is kept unbalanced with the sole purpose to increase profits of CDPR, through encouragement for the players to stay competitive in Gwent, by purchasing newly printed cards. While keeping the appearances that the game is economically accessible, given the increase of rewards you earn through the journey ?

If so, you are making a valid point.

- What i'm saying is that the game's amount of cards is so big that you literally have to go through dozens if not hundreds of cards to get the cards you want. I'm not implying that they are doing it on purpose but it doesn't change the fact that you have to mill thousands of cards to complete your collection, you get far too many duplicates in card kegs and every time the card collection is expanded the chances of you getting what want out of them boxes gets even slimmer, that's what I am saying.

- Since it's a free to play game it feels okay but is it really..?
It takes a lot of time to complete a deck, especially if you're new and don't have a good card setup to get some wins.
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The example that You geave with magazines it's something different - it's apply to area of people interested in particular type of literature - and therefore of course more people are interested in one area, then another one. In Gwent's example hoever, the gwent is just a gwent - the one and only, unique. Of couse there are a lot of other card games on the market, but there is none second gwent. And therefore or players have a choice to play gwent (accepting its ingame purchase prices as a part of decision), or don't play it, without third option.
You are right, my example IS different from GWENT — that’s because I chose an example where, unlike Gwent, the basic assumption of the law of supply and demand (there being multiple, independent suppliers of approximately equivalent products) is closer to holding. My purpose was not to give a perfect analogy, it was simply to illustrate the fallacy in the clearly faulty claim that lower demand always results in lower prices.
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And therefore if the playerbase would be constantly growing and the "quits" would be at tolerable level, they would be absolutely no need to reduce ingame purchases prices, bah, furthermore in PTC as CDPR lowering prices without reason could be considered as mismanagement for some shareholders and results in lawsiuts. And that is why we can bet on it, that if the crusiual ingame purchases of cards prices are lowered out of blue to the lowest level in history, that it IS probably a consequence of shrinking playerbase
And again this is a faulty argument based upon a number of assumptions that may not hold. At the very least you assume:
1. The sole motive of developers is maximizing profit. Usually there are numerous other motives such as increasing market share, increasing market stability, providing fair value, increasing productivity, increasing employee satisfaction, etc.
2. That previous pricing correctly optimized profit (necessary to assume that adjustments are due to demand factors and not corrections based upon more market data). Given Journey was a new feature, I think it unlikely this assumption holds.
3. That changes in level of demand do not also change the price elasticity of demand (the extent that a change in price changes demand). The basic model connecting profit to price depends upon both parameters, but this assumption is very unlikely.
4. That overhead and production costs are unchanged. This assumption is not likely significant in this case.
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It is frustrating to see how companies copy the fortnite battle pass system but they forget that in fortnite (also in CoD) if you get level 100 you earn enough currency to buy the next battle pass...
I don't think it's needed. If Journey lasts 3 months and premium is $10, then one month of Journey is $3. That's not even one beer in a good pub.
Journey premium price is very nice, let's be reasonable. They could add more boards and good skins for us to buy with money though.

This is great news, with just one exception, that rewards are not what keep players engaged. Gwent already has a wonderful economy, which everyone is or atleast should be thankfull for.

Gwent would truly be a marvelous and exciting game, if balance and variability of playable cards was an actual thing. Monthly adjustments are either too weak (SK hotfix) or too strong (as the case with harmony). With so many unplayable cards, the game is not interesting enough to play for 1 month, before arrival of a balance patch. There isn't a single reward system that can grow the player-base, as the game itself, which currently feels lackluster.
I think your post is only partially right.

I don't think we can complain about lack of variety. Month after Master Mirror update, players crafted many interesting and strong decks. Even ST has a viable deck while being the weakest faction.
Even with a bad balance, Gwent nature produces a lot of variety.

On the other hand you are right, situation with SK being Tier 0 shouldn't last for a month and shouldn't happen in the first place. Same with completely obliterating Harmony.

I don't think players want to see such big swings and imbalances, your post is a proof that it's not perceived as "variety" by players.
I agree with most of your post Save for labeling the SK Second wind tier 0. Tier 0 archetypes crush metas nearly effortlessly. SK is just the best tier 1 deck in this meta, but no one is suggesting it being completely removed from the game. Tier 0 decks/ combos get eliminated.

It is not DJ extra/ lined pockets gaining infinite charges good. Nor is it original vampires deck good when Detlaff (Blood Scent) dealt 2 damage and spawned 2pt ekimaras on death blow with 3 charges.

But i digress, returning to the Journey improvements I hope for 3 things.

1) an evolving new game board... AND if you need to make a 3rd skin for existing boards, make those boards evolve as well.

2) if this is Ciri's journey to rework the Ciri cards. And not a lame Saskia rework, Ciri Nova should be Radeyah level good again.

3. Access to the previous journey stories. I mean we did earn them :)

Guest 4368268

I hope the way they make Ciri look is much less clownesque than what they did with Geralt.
To each their own and all, but seeing Geralt with sunglasses and a winter outfit wielding a frying pan commanding a bunch of Monsters.. not a fan of the aesthetic
I hope the way they make Ciri look is much less clownesque than what they did with Geralt.
To each their own and all, but seeing Geralt with sunglasses and a winter outfit wielding a frying pan commanding a bunch of Monsters.. not a fan of the aesthetic

I also don't like the fact that they paired up the professor glasses with the donkey ears, while i like both cosmetics i don't like the fact that you can't use em separately.
The glasses add swag, :howdy: donkey ears don't !
Cheers !
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