Important update about Cyberpunk 2077 release date

You haven't watched any recent official promo materials (e.g. Night City Wire 2, latest trailers, articles) from the game yet, then? The latest release date has been plastered all over them, like they're afraid people might forget about it :LOL:
I usually only search for informations about the RPGish part of gameplay.
Just discovered it has been postponed again !
And I was wondering why there was so few talks about C2077.
Such a running gag.
What are you talking about? O O
No it hasn't.
I think the poster means that they just discovered about the delay mentioned in this thread.
Oh, please. Would've at least been slightly less obvious fake news with just the first sentence.
Kinley is right, I was still thinking the game was out in a few days.
I just discovered I'll probably be working again when the game will be out...:sad:
Damn that is unfortunate. Sorry to hear that, mate! Most of us, at least, have been aware of the delay since summer.
In the meantime, those of us with the BB pre-orders will most likely get shafted anyway, lol:

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Hah! Well, at least when you got the new, you just needed to wait for little more than two months.

When we did, it just added upon an existing wait that left most of us moping for more than half a year.
Really hate that this thread got bumped because seeing it on the latest threads gave me a heart attack
The emotional roller coaster I have just been on...:eek:
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