Berserk + Mardroeme not working correctly?

I thought of this before, just because thematically it made sense -- turn your units into angry bears, and if I'm not mistaken, the card did exactly that at one point in this game (early in beta?) or in Witcher 3. Regardless, it's different now:

Mardroeme: Damage by 3, THEN, Heal by 9

So Berserk states: "Trigger this WHENEVER base power is half or less"

The word WHENEVER implies this is always in effect, always being checked.
The word THEN implies, First A, followed by B.
If Whenever is the word used, then it fits between A and B's effect.
(I get that they can't write damage by 3 AND boost by 9, because then it's ambiguous and they want to prioritize the damaging effect first.)

Take Svablod Fanatic (4 str, Berserk turn into bear). Would Mardroeme not be meant specifically for something like this? Firstly, thematically, this makes sense.
But more importantly, here's the logic, at least what I thought:

4 str Fanatic on board
Play Mardroeme and target fanatic
Fanatic takes 3 damage
Fanatic now has 1 str, which is now 2 or less, which satisfies Berserk's condition
Fanatic transforms into Bear abomination (base 5 strength card)
Mardroeme now boosts the unit by 9.
Bear gains 9, and is at 14 str

Instead, what happens is mardroeme just boosts by 6, or kills a unit 3 or less. Definitely not as good... still though, a better Swallow, which is understandable since it's faction specific (both 6p alchemy specials).

Am I misinterpreting this?

As a side note unrelated to the mechanic itself:
Would this make SK even stronger? Sure, it would definitely open up new options for some new decks. But that's fine. Other factions need buffs anyway to feel as good as SK feels now.


Never thought about it like that. Your explanation makes senses, though, and I can see why players might think Madroeme works with berserk. The situation is ambiguous; either way would make sense, depending on how you look at it.


Forum veteran
Yeah, something similar happened to me, not now, but back when Homecoming launched and i was experimenting.

It was with that pirate that hits by 1 then boosts by 2 (you know, the one no one uses...), and i cant remember on what self damage unit i was using him on, but it didnt work.

It's definitely inaccurate wording and action sequencing, but in your cause it would definitely make SK even more OP than it is right now if it worked like that.
It's definitely inaccurate wording and action sequencing, but in your cause it would definitely make SK even more OP than it is right now if it worked like that.

Yeah but it certainly seems in line with how the archetype should be played thematically. Otherwise why damage yourself first except to keep it out of range of cards that have 3p or less (or in rare cases to kill off 3p enemy units). If anything the interaction should be changed to trigger beserk and then balanced to give less of a boost.
Order of operation is always card resolved before anything else, same with warships and SK, deploy ability then other abilities.
Historically speaking some northern tribes used to eat hallucinogenic shrooms before battle to make them even more savage during the fight so I think itd make a lot of sense for stuff like mardroeme to trigger zerk abilities. Dont get me wrong, I dont much like the idea of buffing skellige but I also think itd be super cool for these things to work together.
I had an interesting idea about this card today that might address this. What if the effect was "damage an allied unit by 3 then boost a unit by 9" the idea being that you can use it to synergize with self damage cards. This would take it off the table as a removal option (otherwise you could damage an enemy unit by 3 and then boost your own unit by 6 which goes against the self wound archetype) but I dont think I have ever used it for that anyways. I realize as stated it would be pretty OP but maybe tweaking the numbers to be damage by 2 and then boost by 6 or something like that would be an option.
I had an interesting idea about this card today that might address this. What if the effect was "damage an allied unit by 3 then boost a unit by 9" the idea being that you can use it to synergize with self damage cards. This would take it off the table as a removal option (otherwise you could damage an enemy unit by 3 and then boost your own unit by 6 which goes against the self wound archetype) but I dont think I have ever used it for that anyways. I realize as stated it would be pretty OP but maybe tweaking the numbers to be damage by 2 and then boost by 6 or something like that would be an option.

You need to consider the ramifications. For example, you could transform an abomination and boost by six in a turn. Boost by six makes removal extremely costly. If you make marodrome a 14 provision and remove it as a leader ability, then maybe. Otherwise, it has too many positives, especially with Druid decks. SK is already dominant, the last thing it needs is a major buff.
I agree this would be busted, Im mostly thinking about a way to make maerdrome "lore friendly" in that you could use it to transform units using their beserk levels.
I agree this would be busted, Im mostly thinking about a way to make maerdrome "lore friendly" in that you could use it to transform units using their beserk levels.

If you want to make it more lore friendly then the card should turn units into bears. I don’t recall them being abominations in the Witcher 3, nor were they especially damaged. You could set a bears power to 7 and allow it to go to the graveyard rather than be doomed. This would be a step toward reviving the beast archetype in SK.
Thats not a bad idea, even just making the bear abominations no longer doomed. Been trying some beast SK recently and it isn't terribly powerful.
Thats not a bad idea, even just making the bear abominations no longer doomed. Been trying some beast SK recently and it isn't terribly powerful.

Pre homecoming or just after HC there was a unit that spawned a beat (I think the whole thing was worth 13 points,) since then the beast dynamic has been weakened.
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