About Nilfgaard's Reveal Archetype

Gwent's factions have principles and the developers creating archetypes and cards with that. Nilfgaard principles are manipulating, getting intel, infiltrating on enemy rows etc. Reveal archetype is one of the different approaches of the getting intel principle.

When it was beta, this archetype is really good, you could reveal cards from your hand and opponent hand, if you reveal your cards, you could get some of the advantages, else you will get info from your opponent. With that intel, you could make better plays, for example, if your opponent has Geralt, you could play around that, that's an advantage for example.

After homecoming, I didn't see why do they change that ability from decks instead of hands. That made that archetype very bad if you ask me. Also, the leader ability is the same, it was revealing a card from your deck and boosts a unit by 2 if I'm not mistaken. With the mobile releases, they decided to remove that ability, at the beginning, I was thinking this might makes unplayable on mobile, but I can say, it's not. We still have some reveal cards, Xarthisius, Elven Farseer, Spotter etc.

I think we could bring back the old Reveal archetype, but making some important changes for fitting Homecoming. Also, we have to give some synergy with existing archetypes. Revealing a card from your opponent has to be a strong mechanic, because of this, those cards need to be balanced around this. Also revealing from your deck could still be something. But it could be a combo card, I'll explain below.

We need a new keyword: Foreseen. This ability works if they revealed while in your hand, trigger that abilities.

In the begging, I think we need cards like beta Fire Scorpions. Engines will be important. At beta, we could damage units while in our hands. Instead of them, if you revealed that units, they could gain zeal. I mean.
"Order: Damage a unit by 1.
Charge: 1.
Gain 1 Charge whenever you Reveal a card.
Foreseen: Gain Zeal. "

We need some soldier cards for Foreseen ability. That bronze card supports some of the weak abilities, maybe they could make it work. 5 Provisions, 6 points
"Deploy: Give (2) Vitality to an enemy unit
Foreseen: Boost self by 2 and gain veil."
Helps cards like Standart Bearer, Cahir etc., also helps the status decks

Our 4-provision has to be revealing cards, 4-provision, 3 point soldier unit
"Deploy: Reveal a card from your hand"

Another 4-provision drop helps the status decks. 3-point 1 armor, soldier.
"Deploy: Give an enemy unit bleeding for the number of the revealed cards in your hand.
Could seem so strong but this card has to play carefully. If you play too early you can't gain good value. At the ending, pointless.

Now for the golds, bronzes only reveal cards from your hand, but golds can reveal opponent cards. 6 Point, 8 provisions
"Order (Melee): Reveal a card from any hand.
Cooldown 2.
If you have Foreseen unit on board, reduce the cooldown by 1."

I think we need some strong cards to play with reveal decks. 5 point, 11 provisions
"Deploy: (Melee) Reveal the highest provision unit card from your opponent hand
Deploy: (Ranged) Reveal the highest unit card from your opponent hand
Foreseen: Order: Lock a revealed unit from your opponent hand."
Lock synergy, also if you took high risk, you can earn a huge bonus with it.

3 point 9 provision unit, shapeshifter
"While this in your hand, becomes the random revealed enemy unit without changing the power"
Uses enemy abilities against them, also has an RNG, helps the assimilate ability.

5 point, 9 provision unit, Mage.
"Deploy: Reveal the top card from your deck. If that card is unit and provision is less than 6, summon it.."
Helps the deck manipulation and cards like Albrich, Vicavaro Novice, deck thinning etc. So many Nilfgaard card has strong deploy abilities, this is why I think this won't be problematic.

7 point Artifact
"Order, Zeal (Melee): Choose a revealed unit. Damage an enemy unit the same amount. If you target a friendly unit, boost it instead.
Order (Ranged): Reveal 2 cards
After using order ability, destroys self."
The principle behind this card is, same as beta Venendal Elite. Keeping revealed unit in your hand and you're against the reveal deck, you have to be fast for not losing value. Has flexibility if you can't reveal any unit. This helps also if you run Tibor in your deck. Dealing or getting 13 points is not bad if you ask me.
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I do not think this archetype will ever return to NG AGAIN. Too many of the cards have been changed, and if i remember correctly there were some glitches with the mechanic as well that developed when the game lost its 3rd row.
Reveal used to be my favourite archetipe in beta, it's a shame devs decided to remove it. This kind of mechanic is very difficult to balance, because of the "value of information" it can provide. There is also lot of randomness involved, the difference in relevance of the info you get from revealed cards can be huge, revealing MO cards is totally pointless and revealing SY or NG cards can be game changing.
I hope we'll get to play this archetipe again one day, but i'm afraid it will not be anytime soon, since implementing reveal in a relevant way would require balancing the information you get from revealing opponents cards = the balance of the entire game would have to shift towards more skill oriented gameplay.

Btw, i kind of like the suggested cards, they give a vibe of "NG's thing" instead of "just another archetipe". It could be what coins are for SY or what traps are supposed to be (but are not :( ) for ST, a mechanic that's present throughout the entire faction.
Not sure about the suggested Gold that could lock a unit in the opponent's hand (they removed that from Auckes so it probably was too good, and I didn't disagree with that change), but other than that small detail sounds good to me.

Beta Reveal was fund indeed, and it's what got me into NG. The current one wouldn't be too bad if it became an actual archetype rather than a handful of cards (some of which are Neutral), but I like this suggestion a lot more.
Not sure about the suggested Gold that could lock a unit in the opponent's hand (they removed that from Auckes so it probably was too good, and I didn't disagree with that change), but other than that small detail sounds good to me.

Beta Reveal was fund indeed, and it's what got me into NG. The current one wouldn't be too bad if it became an actual archetype rather than a handful of cards (some of which are Neutral), but I like this suggestion a lot more.
You are right, this is why I made that card lock ability is order. Maybe that order ability could be devotion for getting zeal from an artifact.
The idea behind it, like old beta times, keeping the revealed card in your hand was too heavy. Remember the Venendal Elite at beta, if you hit cards like Seltkirk, Manticore etc, it becomes super great, but it was giving your opponent a turn to play it.
In my opinion, they removed Auckes', because of Auckes' ability was a deploy ability. You can't play around that lock, also we haven't purify mechanic in those days.
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Reveal used to be my favourite archetipe in beta, it's a shame devs decided to remove it. This kind of mechanic is very difficult to balance, because of the "value of information" it can provide. There is also lot of randomness involved, the difference in relevance of the info you get from revealed cards can be huge, revealing MO cards is totally pointless and revealing SY or NG cards can be game changing.
I hope we'll get to play this archetipe again one day, but i'm afraid it will not be anytime soon, since implementing reveal in a relevant way would require balancing the information you get from revealing opponents cards = the balance of the entire game would have to shift towards more skill oriented gameplay.

Btw, i kind of like the suggested cards, they give a vibe of "NG's thing" instead of "just another archetipe". It could be what coins are for SY or what traps are supposed to be (but are not :( ) for ST, a mechanic that's present throughout the entire faction.
I had some ideas for granting statuses on the revealed cards, especially spying. It will have a different tempo than the other cards, like beta Wolfsbane. Granting status on the revealed card on the enemy card makes an easy target for Vincent van Moorlehem. Also while your opponent plays it, booster units boost themself. Against Monsters for example, if you reveal a big unit, you can deal with it immediately with Vincent Van Moorlehem, which is huge. That could seems great, but you can balance this mechanic with the game provision system.
Gwent has more RNG than before. We could play the reveal system when we haven't got so many RNG effects like this before, and I haven't seen any player who is yelling about this archetype. If they want to implement it, they could make it, they implemented harder things before, like scenarios.

I do not think this archetype will ever return to NG AGAIN. Too many of the cards have been changed, and if I remember correctly there were some glitches with the mechanic as well that developed when the game lost its 3rd row.

You're right, but the removed mechanic was belonged to reveal from your deck, and it was very rng based. For example, if you could hit Daerlean soldier randomly, you could bring that card on board like roach tempo, huge.
The cards and archetype we're talking here is heavily revealing from your hand, but we still have cards like Xarth, Yen, Triss, this is why they might be some options for revealing from your deck too.
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that arechetype was dead since the release of homecoming , they tried to port it from beta but it didn't work , problem is there are some cards that are stricly for that archetype and don't work anymore in current gwent (looking at you spotter)
that arechetype was dead since the release of homecoming , they tried to port it from beta but it didn't work ,

They didn't try to port anything. In beta Reveal you could flip cards in the opponents hand over and manipulate them. They dumped that whole concept at Homecoming and decided to make Reveal into the Joust mechanic from Hearthstone.
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