Dagger Dealer / Knife Throw - Can't retrieve?

Came here to support this topic. I thought throwing knives were a really cool idea, but as soon as I threw my first knife and it went poof, I sat there wondering, god forbid you have a legendary knife and chuck it at a person, miss, have it get stuck in a wall and promptly watch it vanish. I hope this isn't intended and is fixed.
I want to chime in here and agree.
While this element is far from the most important problem ("walk" key not existing, epilepsy-issues, no change of hairstyles after character creator, etc) I feel this is an issue that just invalidates an entire playstyle altogether.

Its not only the knifes though. If you add the problem with loosing a lot of money and not being able to retrieve the knifes to the other issues, such as:

- Not being able to do Katana/Knife stealth kills and instead just having a generic neck snap
- Not being able to do lethal air assassinations with Swords or Hammers despite there literally being a perk in the "cool" tree that has the same for non-lethal ones
- the dodge button being bound to double-tap which regularily forces me out of stealth and gets me detected

...then while the stealth gameplay seems broad, it is very clunky overall and ruins in many areas the fantasy of what a full cool build is all about. I do sincerely hope that they will fix these issues and add these features down the line so that we might enjoy a better gameplay experience for what seems to be one of the more prominent RP-playstyles in the entire game.
Yes please fix this. I was excited to try it out after spending the perk point, but once I realized you couldn't retrieve it, I never used it again. Such a waste of perk points. I'm not going to go back in my inventory to equip a new knife every time I throw it. It is very frustrating.
I invested early in the Dagger Dealer perk in hopes of actually being able to retrieve my throwing knives when I finally get my hands on them. Tell me, what modern game has a throwing knife mechanic where you cannot pick up throwing knives? I'm hoping in the future this will be fixed.
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