Disappearing characters

Disappearing characters

Some characters I created with a spawn set sometime disappear without a reason, appear at their spawn point and walk again to the action point they should be. Does somebody know the reason for this disappearing?
Are there some errors in the Aurora log, just before the character(s) disappear?I have a problem in the hospital area. After a different time all ill and sleeping characters stand up at their actionspoints (beside the heybeds).From now on they were still waiting. Aurora log reports an error. Why??? In different places like tavern or houses, there are no such errors.
No, just the standard error messages, I always get because I have not set the character templates behavior.I think I found the problem. How could I disregard "Disappear Distance"!?
You can write "0" in Disappear Distance (tey the same with Appear). The thing is that I create my spawnset the same as you and everything it's fine. Your Spawn Conditions is "Always".
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