The expansions may be world changing events **MAIN STORY SPOILERS**

This as tabletop "fan"-i dont forget the cyberpunk 3.0...- is something that I noticed in CP2077, it assumes some pre-reading of the characters and the lore (even if there is a big amount of info in-game). Smasher has a well established story,but I would not call him a "primary antagonist" really its why I guess he is not that elaborated.
Gamewise, I was a bit dissapointed that they went with the boss system but is gaming convention I guess...but I found more challenging Oda than Smasher( i guess it depends on your pace on character progression and playstyle).

smasher was probably the least interesting "boss" fight, gameplay wise. oda, sasquatch, every boxing fight. was more engaging or interesting.
I see your point, that if you don´t really "invest yourself" in the story a lot or you didn´t like the story (perfectly legit), you more or less "forget" Smasher.
But my point of view is a little bit different: in Cyberpunk all characters are morally ambiguous (I mean,V for all standards is a criminal).
Smasher himself is not a bad guy, its just "bad" by association with Yorinobu and since V cannot ally with Yorinobu then Smasher is "bad" (nothing personal Adam). What Yorinobu tried to do for me is good, but unfortunately V crossed paths and you can end up doing something "bad" or "good" depending on your ending decision (and in both you deal with Smasher in the same way, but the outcome is different).

This seems like a normal workday for a Corpo guy..., Smasher probably enjoys it a little bit more than the average but nothing else.

Adam smasher is actually a bad guy cannonically, he is a psycopath on a leash. Hes not just a guy doing his job. He enjoys murder, death, killing, and at least before Arasaka often goes too far.

however, in this story he is basically just a powerful weapon the enemy has. Not sure this was accidental. The main thing that was supposed to sell him as a final enemy was supposed to be his badassery and power, howerever the fight they designed didnt make him feel like the terminator, and other than landing near the car he never delivered the type of moments to make him feel like the terminator/jason/freddy unstoppable force.
He is a bad guy.
During "Chippin' In", you can see and read some informations.
He threatens a guy from Militech (not sure, but it's a Corpo guy) by saying that if he does not cooperate, he will kill his wife in one hour... One hour later, he said to Grayson to kills her without any qualms...
Smasher : "I knew it wouldn't work"
Grayson : "What about the woman ?"
Smasher : "You kill her"

Yes, he is a "simple" bodyguard, but without mercy... A legend of Night City, but of the "trash" kind as Jackie says :)
He is :) But then again you as V also manage to kill quite a lot of people, NC is a rough place :D

So everyone is probably a bad guy towards someone in this universe, but Adam Smasher at least in my opinion is not a bad guy towards V, they run into each other, but it's nothing personal, like for instance with Dexter, that shoots you and throw you in the landfill. In my playthrough I was completely loyal towards him and then he shot me, which gave me a good reason to want to go after him, which was a bit annoying that you were robbed of that. :)
I see your point, that if you don´t really "invest yourself" in the story a lot or you didn´t like the story (perfectly legit), you more or less "forget" Smasher.
I did invest my self a lot in the story, as mentioned above and with the characters. But at least in my playthrough which weren't a 100% completion, but still spend 120+ hours on it, so might be different for other people obviously. But I weren't presented with opportunities of getting V involved with Smasher in any important way, except with those few scripted events, where he is just there as a bodyguard and the Silverhand bit, but again that's him, not V.

Even throughout most of the Araska stuff, Smasher at least as I recall it, is not especially dominating as a character.
He is :) But then again you as V also manage to kill quite a lot of people, NC is a rough place
For quote a movie, that no one will probably know... :D
1 : "Are a good man, inspector ?"
2 : "I think so"
1 : "Yet you have killed men..."
2 : "Yes..."
1 : "So, how does a good man decide when to kill ?"
2 : "..."
Difficult dilem :(
Maybe I'm a good man, because you can choose when kill or not.
Sometimes the hardest part is knowing when to save a life (yes, another movie...)

Anyway, for Smasher, I was disappointed twice ("disappointed" is maybe too strong...)
- I was sure, after seeing Evy's BD, that he would be the Konpeki exit Boss... and finally, no.
- In the end, I would have thought that it would have been a real bullet sponge, because it is almost entirely modified and his body could be almost invulnerable to bullets (having to shoot him in the head to damage him).
After reading your post I started to think about AIs and Neuromancer, Wintermute, Armitage and came to conclusion that only AI could cure V's brain damage caused by chip. The problem of multiple story endings remains...
Cyberpunk *cannot* be about saving the world *because the world of cyberpunk shouldn't be saved*.

If ever there was a world desperately in need of purging it's the world of Cyberpunk.
Cyberpunk *cannot* be about saving the world *because the world of cyberpunk shouldn't be saved*.

If ever there was a world desperately in need of purging it's the world of Cyberpunk.

Honestly, the people are confused about the Mike Pondsmith quote because CDPR made it literal with you dying.

It's about establishing the game as being CRIME FICTION.

You are not heroes in Cyberpunk but Edgerunners.

You are given permission to be saving the Princess/Corporate Daughter not because it's the right thing to do but because someone is paying you.

It's permission to be a selfish asshole.
Honestly, the people are confused about the Mike Pondsmith quote because CDPR made it literal with you dying.

It's about establishing the game as being CRIME FICTION.

You are not heroes in Cyberpunk but Edgerunners.

You are given permission to be saving the Princess/Corporate Daughter not because it's the right thing to do but because someone is paying you.

It's permission to be a selfish asshole.
As it should be. This is a culture of horror, of evil, of depraved indifference. A society to make Dracula lift up his skirt in revulsion.

All the monsters are human or born of human malice, foolishness, or worse. It is incumbent upon us to remember that during our adventures in Night City we don't meet any good people. None. Literally none. The closest we come is victimhood and desperation putting on the mask of nobility and martyrdom in order to excuse away their own weakness.
As it should be. This is a culture of horror, of evil, of depraved indifference. A society to make Dracula lift up his skirt in revulsion.

All the monsters are human or born of human malice, foolishness, or worse. It is incumbent upon us to remember that during our adventures in Night City we don't meet any good people. None. Literally none. The closest we come is victimhood and desperation putting on the mask of nobility and martyrdom in order to excuse away their own weakness.

Eh, no, we run into plenty of good people in cyberpunk. They exist to die horribly and us to feel bad about it. :)
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