What immersion-breaking bugs do you want to be fixed ?

Comrade's Hammer not hitting where aimed when ADS..hits low and exaggerates (gets lower ) with distance ..head shots become body...truly sucks already only has one round, an exaggerated long loading sequence but to not even hit where aimed ...sucks. I've given official reports with no response so far
npcs lack schedules to do things in a day/night cycle. This is a basic mechanic that even oblivion had, I'm not sure what's gone wrong with it but npcs seem to fade out of existence when I look away instead. Hoepfully this can be fixed soon as it encouraged me to buy the game [...].
That's a weakness of the AI in the RED Engine. It's likely they are using an AI system called a Finite State Machine. To have day/night schedules with FSM, the CPU performance of the game would hit rock bottom as FSM updates on every tick of every target in a scene. Unless they implement Behavioral Decision Tree AI, we'll be stuck with how it currently is. Schedules can be "faked" to some extent with FSM, but not in a way that won't easily be found to be shallow.
For me it's the animation system for all NPCs that needs to be improved. Not sure if this can be called a bug though, or a missing feature. What I noticed is, the engine doesn't seem to be able to seamlessly blend between the last frame of animation A and the first frame of animation B. It will just jump to the next animation set, no matter what the context is, without blending / morphing between the states, which looks ridiculous most of the time. It has been done better in games that are ten years old by now...
The biggest immersion breaking bug that I would like to see fixed is the entire main story. You have two weeks to live, but run around and do all this miscellaneous stuff, opening up new parts of the city, buying new cars and clothes, and basically act like anything but someone who has to complete a specific set of tasks or be dead in two weeks.
Traffic, AI, no response from saved civvies, and couple new bugs I experienced yesterday during my first game session for a few patches.

Ran across a crime in progress and attempted to help the police... got a warrant, then flatlined... tried again, same thing. Tried a third time and that's when I noticed, the cops weren't shooting, just walking around "looking" and the gangsters were just standing there occasionally shooting their guns straight up!

The 2nd one was came across some random goons and killed them. Went up to one and shot them in the head and his body decided to implode, leaving just his head with a stick for a body!

Oh, and the slow load textures that I wasn't getting before, but am now getting all the time
I want... invisible walls gone. And I want to be a daredevil.

Especially the rail. I explored all of it, but I couldn't walk on all of it. They've placed invisible walls in some places, and that feels like those spikes against pigeons. Seriously, why? Let people explore the city, including exploring all of the rails.
All of them
specially enemies not reactig to attacks, enemies spawning inside each other and staying inside
vehicles appearing or disappearing out of thin air
characters notoving mouth when spepaking, or teleporting inside uot vehicles
walk on water and die from fall damage
Things popping like mad in front of V.

Car textures loading as they drive by.

Clothes that NPCs wear but you can't buy.

No barber in the Night City. The City of fashion :D
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Invisible stairs were NPC's climb into air.

The spawning of NPC's can be somewhat countered by setting "Crowd density" to 'High' (though it will drop fps). The greater number of NPC's can 'camoflage' the spawning in/out of random NPCs.
Cable from V's hand stuck to a pc installing malware, process never completes
people/pedestrians/civils crouching in fear and clip into each other and you can't go through doors because these people are on the way
The ladder climbing animation drives me nuts. It desyncs so hard from the actual ladder that when you reach the top Vs hands aren't even touching it anymore.
The bug I want to be fixed is the bullet that hit you when the NPC who shot is behind a wall, I'm dying for no reason sometimes.
CDPR said the performances are correct, which is not completely true, but there are still so many bugs that annoy me.
Hope the next updates will fix most of them
Hi all,

I am replaying CP2077 as of 1.23 and I love this game (I already have played 180h and want to play more)

However, some bugs are breaking the immersion. They didn't bother me too much during my first 2 playthroughs because i was enjoying the story and missions so much.

Now, these bugs really annoy me and break my immersion more than ever :
- Cars are stopping in the middle of the highway for no reason
- Cars' lights turn off randomly at night even though you could see them turned on a few seconds before
- When you "save" people from a blue encounter, they don't react (don't run, don't say thank you, don't do anything specific)

I am sure that there are many other bugs, but these ones are really annoying and I think that the 2 first ones should have been fixed 6 months after release of the game.

What are the bugs that really bother you and break your immersion ?
Biggest problem for me is the bug that stops you getting quick hacks from access points. It's been present from the beginning and after all the patches still persists.
Quick hacking is a significant part of the game, and the part I'm wanting to create a build with. So yeah, I can deal with the graphic glitches and having to save and reload every now and then, but the quick hack thing has pretty much stopped me playing. Really hoping it gets looked at finally.
Quick hacking is a significant part of the game, and the part I'm wanting to create a build with. So yeah, I can deal with the graphic glitches and having to save and reload every now and then, but the quick hack thing has pretty much stopped me playing. Really hoping it gets looked at finally.
Four perks in total, craft them, there is no better way for a netrunner build :)
I just played the game again after 6 months. This game is still full of bugs. Can't change the radio station from time to time pressing f does not select a station, V glitching through cement road blocks, selecting stuff with F on computers sometimes doesn't work. Menu music still playing when in game sometimes. Game still crashes randomly or stutters while auto saving. Just finished the mission where you rescue the guy at the barn. When you free your target, river glitches and doesn't say anything. Another thing: World feels so empty.
Oh, i almost forgot:

CDPR, PLEASE fix photomode.

I mean, really, fix it.

Like, now.

You introduced the 'blurried close-ups bug" two or three patches ago, and you never fixed it. It's really immersion-breaking for me. I sent a bunch of support tickets about it and i know many others did, so come on...

WELL, fix it, ok?

Great, we have a deal then.

You fix it.


Pretty please. :'(
Biggest problem for me is the bug that stops you getting quick hacks from access points. It's been present from the beginning and after all the patches still persists.
Quick hacking is a significant part of the game, and the part I'm wanting to create a build with. So yeah, I can deal with the graphic glitches and having to save and reload every now and then, but the quick hack thing has pretty much stopped me playing. Really hoping it gets looked at finally.
You can build hacks up to Legendary if you also put points in Tech.
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