T-Bug Really... ? (Spoilers)

Something is bugging me about this whole thing.
In the heist at Konpeki Placa when the trio is doing their final prep with the Flathead (in their snazzy suite)

"Jackie: Bug? How're you doin' on time?

V: You there, Bug?

T-Bug: Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Soooo listen, ICE is thicker than I thought. Piercing it'll take a couple hours."

Don't know, but I don't trust T-Bug here, and didn't she say something about "disappearing" after the job's done and burning all bridges?

Anyway, did they say they found her body at all? Can't remember.

Could be something of a T-Bug expansion/DLC later? If she really IS dead, then I guess it's impossible :)
Something is bugging me about this whole thing.
In the heist at Konpeki Placa when the trio is doing their final prep with the Flathead (in their snazzy suite)

"Jackie: Bug? How're you doin' on time?

V: You there, Bug?

T-Bug: Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Soooo listen, ICE is thicker than I thought. Piercing it'll take a couple hours."

Don't know, but I don't trust T-Bug here, and didn't she say something about "disappearing" after the job's done and burning all bridges?

Anyway, did they say they found her body at all? Can't remember.

Could be something of a T-Bug expansion/DLC later? If she really IS dead, then I guess it's impossible :)
There is not a flicker of a mention of T-Bug anywhere in Act 2, so suppose the story tellers really are telling us that she was fried to a crisp, so as her story ended with Act 1. Just like the other ones.
Didn't her friend in the net shop tell something along the lines how they found her all fried up? Or she was just speculating? But she is indeed oddly absent knowing how you can find bodies or follow up stories of many minor gig characters that may or may not end up dead.
Didn't her friend in the net shop tell something along the lines how they found her all fried up? Or she was just speculating? But she is indeed oddly absent knowing how you can find bodies or follow up stories of many minor gig characters that may or may not end up dead.
Yeah now that you say that, I do remember. However I'm still not 100% convinced and I think CDPR could "salvage" something here, unless CDPR comes out and kills my therory xD
Didn't her friend in the net shop tell something along the lines how they found her all fried up? Or she was just speculating? But she is indeed oddly absent knowing how you can find bodies or follow up stories of many minor gig characters that may or may not end up dead.
Yep, T-Bug was fried alone in her apartment (probably soulkilled), opposite to other dudes that you can find around Night City who were executed and their body throw in the street (Anthony Gilchrist, Meredith,The dude with Padre,...)
And we don't know where T-Bug apartment was (maybe for some reasons, like only "close" friends knew, V wasn't really a "close" friend)
Glad to have clreared this up. Had a wild theory that T-Bug faked her own death, and that pause in the dialoge in my OP was her alerting authorities or someone :')
In short, even without any proof of T-Bug death for me she is reallt dead :)
Because it underline that everybody involved in the heist, end badly and abvoe all, dead (except V, if we could consider him/her "alive" and not as a "walking dead"). A heist who should normally be a true wandering, a "kid game", a piece of cake and a easy way to be rich and famous.
Night City... The city of Nightmares Dreams !
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I also believe she's still alive or that we will remain in a permanent not-knowing situation.
First there's the 2019 trailer where both Dex and her betray V and are alive at the no-tell motel. So for CDPR at some point, that story was created.
Second if she did betray V her friend wouldn't reveal her secret.
Second if she did betray V her friend wouldn't reveal her secret.
I wonder with who T-Bug could betray V (and others) and still alive ?
The only solution that I can think, is Arasaka and above all on Saburo Side (for all other solutions, even if she plan to betray, she "fried" by Soulkiller or at least, by Arasaka network defenses connected to the Konpeki network). Because in all other "betray" solutions, her goal is to help V and Jackie to get out of the Konpeki with the Relic (and possibly betray them after), no reason for her to let them alone in the penthouse.

So why wait that Saburo was kill by Yorinubo to "betray" ?
It seem to me more easy to stop V and Jackie (and kill Dex/Evy at the same time) before (even more easy directly at the entrance of the Konpeki). And why let Judy also alive ?

And yeah, for the trailer... Johnny was also a "good buddy" who say hello and wake up to V in the Landfield :D
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I wonder with who T-Bug could betray V (and others) and still alive ?
The only solution that I can think, is Arasaka and above all on Saburo Side (for all other solutions, even if she plan to betray, she "fried" by Soulkiller or at least, by Arasaka network defenses connected to the Konpeki network). Because in all other "betray" solutions, her goal is to help V and Jackie to get out of the Konpeki with the Relic (and possibly betray them after), no reason for her to let them alone in the penthouse.

So why wait that Saburo was kill by Yorinubo to "betray" ?
It seem to me more easy to stop V and Jackie (and kill Dex/Evy at the same time) before (even more easy directly at the entrance of the Konpeki). And why let Judy also alive ?

And yeah, for the trailer... Johnny was also a "good buddy" who say hello and wake up to V in the Landfield :D
You're right and I explained myself very badly. At some point CDPR created a story where Dex and TBug betray V after he gets the chip back; but at that point many parts of the game had been created, including (internal) backgrounds to characters and their relation to the main protagonist. So what I mean is it makes sense to me that TBug as a character has the same general traits they created back then.
With the game's final version I don't know the specifics of how TBug could have betrayed V, with whom,... but with enough story content added there could be many possibilities:
. TBug goes into the Heist wanting to complete it and get away as she says; she is soulkilled and her engram questioned with the promisse of having her reinstated to a body (or perhaps a VIP space in the deepnet, as she's a great netrunner, she might enjoy it.
. Dex and TBug are hired by Saburo after being hired by Evelyn (so Saburo discovers that Yorinobu has the relic and that there's a group intent on stealing it). Saburo later changes his mind on letting his son be robbed which can get dangerous and goes to kompeki hopefully before the Heist.
. TBug simply chickens out after Saburo is killed and the whole Kompeki goes into alarm mode. She might have gotten shocked for real after the defenses of the hotel are back up but not fried.

I haven't played all the content from the game yet so maybe some of these things don't make sense but there can be many stories for it I believe.
I just say that T_Bug got her brain fried to crisp. She was lucky. Miss Parker wasn't. When the people (who hired her) found out what Miss Parker was doing, they short circuit her.
. Dex and TBug are hired by Saburo after being hired by Evelyn (so Saburo discovers that Yorinobu has the relic and that there's a group intent on stealing it). Saburo later changes his mind on letting his son be robbed which can get dangerous and goes to kompeki hopefully before the Heist.
It could make sense, and for me it's the only way for she's till alive after :)
But Goro said at some point to V that it was Hellman who tell to Saburo about the Relic and Yorinobu (and Saburo, If I remember was come to Night City "only" for this reason). So I suppose that Hellman prevent Saburo about Yorinobu, way before the Heist (or at least, just after his call with Yorinobu in the Evy's BD, an "unknow date" even before Evy decide to betray VDBs and ask to Dex for the Heist).
In short, in my point of view, Saburo doesn't really need Dex nor T-Bug for "solve" that. Like he said in the shard, he will talk to Yorinobu (in the Hanako's advice), and at worse he'll nuke Night City instead of leaving the Relic to these "barbarians"... :D

Edit : But who know, there is "shadows" in T-Bug fate and I think the "shadows" will remains in the future (and keep players to guess/wonder) :)
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Forum veteran
I've once tried to complete the Heist as fast as possible, but she died anyway. I've also tried to disable all cameras on the way to the hotel room, which made no difference.

I hope that someday the life paths will receive an overhaul, so they could rework the Watson lockdown, and add more variations for the Heist...
I've once tried to complete the Heist as fast as possible, but she died anyway. I've also tried to disable all cameras on the way to the hotel room, which made no difference.

I hope that someday the life paths will receive an overhaul, so they could rework the Watson lockdown, and add more variations for the Heist...
The only "difference" it's if you're not detected, you don't have to fight the big robot. That's all :(
Simply different paths to reach the garage would be good, because anyway, at the end, Jackie have to be seriously injured, T-Bug hav to "disappear" and in anycase, the Heist must turn badly :)
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