Scripted Scenes and Why I Hate Them

So I'm on my 3rd playthrough after taking a hiatus from the game. Panam and I have rescued Saul (fat lot of help SHE was!) and now we're running from the Wraiths in the sandstorm. It's been so long since I played that I forgot how much I HATE this whole scene.

At the time of Saul's rescue I was carrying about a dozen guns (not including what I'd picked up), half a hundred grenades of varying types, had enough cyberware to build Adam Smasher and enough Hacking ability to light up Night City. So what am I using during this manic, bouncing chase through the desert? some shitty-ass handgun. NO cyberware (the Sandevestian would have been great at hitting targets bouncing to and fro), no grenades, and none of my fancy-ass guns.

This scripted scene has reduced me back to that first mission with Jackie in the Scav haunt, only now the targets are jerking around so much that I can't hit shit. The worst part of it is that at one point if I haven't killed enough enemies I simply lose. The amount of Health I have left, Med-X, body armor...none of it means shit. I just lose...period. For whatever reason, after about a dozen tries, I can't beat the fucking thing and the game will NOT progress without it.

I want to thank you for creating this wonderful game with literally thousands of options and I'm willing to be millions of character build combinations and reducing ALL of it to a scripted fight scene where I'm utterly railroaded! It makes ALL of my progress up to that point WORTHLESS! I could understand it if I failed to shake the Wraiths and I took a hit and went down and failed to get any sort of xp or whatever for the scene but to simply STOP my progress is stupid and lazy game design IMHO.

I have supported and defended CDPR during this entire boondoggle of a launch but at this point, my support ends. Scripted battles that you have NO way of skipping or avoiding should NOT simply halt your game progress. You should NOT have all of your hard-earned gear and abilities stripped from you once you've earned them.
It's an old problem. When games started to become more and more cinematic. And I agree. If you love cinematics so much, just make adventure games David Cage style. Don't bother with character systems. Otherwise we have these absurd scenarios like our character progress is irrelevant.
The only scripted thing which bothers me is car chase with Takemura where you cant really shot anyone even if game ask you to do so. Otherwise its fine - some works better and some less - definitely could be done better like for example when you reach certain point with tail, something else tragic happens but to be honest they are all quite simple and I never had this problem.
If you go in from the left, off the small cliff there, you can get in no problem. Panam can't help you once you're inside because she's not in a position to so so with her sniper rifle. If you do it right, as in not get caught, then there's no chase.
Scripted battles that you have NO way of skipping or avoiding should NOT simply halt your game progress.
The last time I do this car chase, it was a year ago, so I don't really remember :(

But you can skip/avoid it,
- Either you kill everyone in the camp (no wraiths remaining, Panam confirm it when you reach Saul). My favorite, above all when Saul said "all deads ? To you, all alone ?"
- Either you can access to Saul discreetly via a sewer without killing anyone.
So no car chase in these cases :)

Edit : but it's weird that you have a "basic" gun (Unity) during this car chase. When, even in the first car chase with Jackie & Scavs you can use the weapon that you want (and equiped before obviously because you can't equip a new one during the fight, only switching between equiped weapons).
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So what am I using during this manic, bouncing chase through the desert? some shitty-ass handgun. NO cyberware (the Sandevestian would have been great at hitting targets bouncing to and fro), no grenades, and none of my fancy-ass guns.
Never thought of that (haven't had Sandevistan build in game).

This is something I wish you would consider making a topic to suggestions as I guess that forum might be checked by people creating mods.

I think it might be something CDPR or modders might perhaps be able to do something as scenes like chase where you encountered this, they aren't what was / is called "cinematic" cut scenes. They are just something that happen in sort of bubble happening in game. Very interesting idea, suggestion, really, think about it.
Something must've changed. I did it fairly recently and i remember doing short circuits and explode granade hacks on them. Only problem was really difficult marking them while moving at that distance. The gun i had was some overpowered machine gun from my inventory i think. Couldn't change it though.

If you're curious i might try finding that save and see if it really was like that and i'm not delusional. EDIT, i was not being delusional:
Skip to 1:25 for the actual shooting. Also, sorry for the audio - forgot i have to turn off you-tube when capturing game.
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