AFK training of Acrobatics

Hello dear Community, Hello dear Devs!

Up front - the following displays a bug in the game, but since it is one of those instances where it can actually help players (if they are willing to use an exploit), I humbly ask you to not fix this one (or give us more options on how to traing Acrobatics).

Now - by pure chance I found, that there is a way to gain XP in the VERY hard to train Acrobatics skill by going to a menu after having hit a damage-able object (such as a car). I have not tested whether this works on sprites or other objects, which just make up the scenery (the proper word eludes me here, sorry), but it is not impossible that that is the case.

*EDIT* I had another look-see and it does not seem to matter what you hit, as long as you do it with a mellee weapon (including common fists).

What you do is that you hit said object with a melee weapon (tested on fists, but I do not see a reason why it shouldn't work on mantis blades or a katana, for example) and immediately after landing said hit, enter any menu (inventory, character screen, crafting screen or the one where these are all accessible). The only menu I have seen this to not work in is the main menu (accessed by pressing the ESC button, no idea what button you press on console, sorry).

You can find a video capture showing this phenomenon here:

And again, with the utmost respect - please do not fix this bug, it brought me genuine joy and does not break anything. ;-) Other than immersion, in which case - just don't use the exploit if you mind that...

All the best to all of you!

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Sadly this will be fixed way faster than bugs which exist way longer and are way more annoying - just thinking of K-Jump or item duping... : /
Sadly this will be fixed way faster than bugs which exist way longer and are way more annoying - just thinking of K-Jump or item duping... : /
Well it depends on the bug, some need way too massive an overhaul to fix or are due to a feature acting up, which people actually like.

Also - plenty of games have bugs which were there for ages. This further solidifies the above (Fallout games are infamous for this, but you can name a major gaming franchise and it probably contains bugs which people just came to accept, such as when Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat punched off two head off an oponent, or the double-tap in Ultima Online, but hey - I guess naming a game from before the age of internet patches is not entirely fair. there ARE other examples, but I am bored with this)

But hey - here's hoping the devs will ignore that bug, maybe even embrace it and turn it into an in-joke (kinda like the Johnny Cage thing above)? Sure would be cool.
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