Viy discussion

No. Viy is in that spot where 1 more nerf kills the card or one more buff makes it op again. Viy in in a good spot right now. If you still can't beat the Viy decks then the problem isn't the card, it's the decks you play.
Obviously not EVERY deck should be able to beat Viy just like there is no deck that can beat all other decks. I've been playing Viy at rank 1 trying to hit pro with it (cuz that's what i do every season then i stop with comp) and it's not easy at all, i win 2-3 then lose the next 2-3. The only way to hit pro with a Viy deck is to get lucky and get in matches with decks that can't handle him.
So yeah, not OP by any means, i still lose a ton of games with that deck.

I played a eredin frost deck and i think viy should get nerfed. there are many good ways to do that.
the problem is you cant really beat such deck unless you have locks and geralt. if viy dont schuffle back every time it would be balanced better. instead when eaten let him go to the graveyard and put it back on the pass. it couldnt be that x bronze cards can buffed up to 20 or mor points. so viy wouldnt be that one win condition and also not this punishable against other decks.
now: Viy is strong against decks which cant do anything against it but very weak against decks like nilfgaard which have the best answers.
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