''The Pickup'' Bugged

Got a quick question decided to replay the game after watching edge runners, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the mission: The Pickup.

First had a bug where the objective was call dex. couldn't call him without him asking if there was a problem. He also wouldn't call me.
Decided I would just restart the mission now i have finished the whole mission but the quest didn't complete and has no active objective.

Was hoping maybe someone had a potential fix cause I don't want to playthrough a third time ;)
After quiting All Foods, normally V call Dex directly (no player intervention).
Do you use or used mods ?
Anyway, at first you should try to verify the game files and reload a previous (before talking to Meredith or Anthony for example).
After quiting All Foods, normally V call Dex directly (no player intervention).
Do you use or used mods ?
Anyway, at first you should try to verify the game files and reload a previous (before talking to Meredith or Anthony for example).
In my game Jackie walks through the elevator doors and goes up before the doors open and I can never enter it to the upper lvl. Conditions Met Meredith did not take cred chip.
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