Czech dubbing for TW3?

Czech dubbing for TW3?

:listen: I was thinking, since TW1 had czech dubbing, wouldn't it be cool if TW3 did too? There are lots and lots of witcher fans here in Slovakia and Czech Republic (Slovak and Czech language is almost identical) that would appreciate it a lot. If CDPR is going to do several languages like in previous games, It would be cool if they took a look on us aswell :).
Yep it would be cool, but The Witcher 3 is too big and it would not be profitable. And it should be much more professional than it was in TW1.
Czech dubbing in TW1 was almost laughably bad so how about no.
I liked it for the most part, but there was something about Geralt's VA that really Irritated me so that kinda breaks it I guess xD. But no one said that it must be the same studio doing it.
I thought Witcher 2 Enhanced followed what Witcher 1 Enhanced already established, having many different languages recorded. I only played English version but I reckoned there were more options if you wanted them. Would I like to hear Geralt speaking my native tongue? Nope. Well, maybe. Intriguing thought perhaps, and I guess I would be honoured, but since I saw a recent translation of The Last Wish I'm wary as hell.
I´m Czech too but as far as I liked TW1 dubbing(it was not best but worth playing with) I don´t see any way how to make quality Czech dubbing to make it worth it. We have just simply too small buying power.
I want to go off on a tangent and I feel it doesn't warrant a new thread. What do you guys think about dubbing in your native language? I for one wouldn't like it, but that may be because I grew up playing video games in English only, and hearing Romanian in a game would just "feel" weird.
W1 dubbing was awesome. I know - I also had to get used to very deep and mysterious voice of Geralt, but after few moments I enjoyed it so much. Also other characters were awesome.

I would be happy if W3 would be dubbed, but I doubt about it. For the ones, who didn't like it - there is quite easy way to change voice to eng (pl) dubbing ;)
Ale stále doufám...třeba se k tomu ještě rozhoupají..

teď jsem si tak procházel dabingforum a dají se tam najít nádherné hlasy:
jeden pro elfa: vejrazka.mp3

a tady bych měl možné kandidáty pro Geralta a Vesemira - na Altaira mi přišel dabér trochu starý, na Geralta perfektní..

// ještě jeden borec - od temného mága až po trpaslíky..
"mág": Pipal.mp3
a pak si vzpomeňte na Gimliho z Pána prstenů
Sh'eenaz nebo čarodějka
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I'm for Czech dubbing with both arms and legs. I like replaying The Witcher with different languages.
Líbilo se mi český dabing, někdy on byl ještě lepší, než rusky. :)
@sfinx121, Zda existuje fan-dabing pro Zaklínače 2?
Jen bych se chtěl připojit ohledně dabingu, neboť si myslím, že důstojné rozloučení by bylo ukončit serií tak jak byla započata (veškeré dabingy jako u 1) navíc hlášky Talara a trpaslíků moravsky SUPER :). Vzhledem k tomu, že opravdu neovládám EN tak mi CZ v jedničce vyhovoval, neboť úkoly se pamatovali lépe čtení ve 2 mě odvádělo od děje proto pokud bude mít 3 pouze titulky obětuji se a počkám až na rozšířenou edici. Zaklínač 2 mi zkrátka k srdci moc nepřirostl :-/ i kydž grafika opravdu SUPER.

[Mod Translate]
I'd just like to add about the dubbing, because I think that would be a dignified farewell to end the series as it was initiated (as with all dubbings 1) extra messages Talara and dwarves moravsky SUPER ). Because you really do not control me and EN CZ energized suit, because tasks are better remembered reading in 2 distract me from going so if you have 3 titles only sacrifice and wait until the extended edition. The Witcher 2 mi simply too much to heart nepřirostl / i kydž graphics really cool
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