Lets all make a CP2020 Character.

Far as I'm concerned 2-10 for stats is the range for 95%+ of the population. The outliers can be higher or lower, but not in game terms without a really cool backstory. Or a bad roll on Disaster Strikes, eh heheh ehheh.

This really, Really, REALLY sux !
I have to agree with Sardukhar ...
Did I mention this sux ?
Did I mention this sux ?

It only hurts the first few times. Then you get used to it. Eventually, you'll love it.

Where's your character? Did you see my tech-ninja? Well, of course you didn't. But s(he)s awesome.
It only hurts the first few times. Then you get used to it. Eventually, you'll love it.

Where's your character? Did you see my tech-ninja? Well, of course you didn't. But s(he)s awesome.

You've seen mine ... I'll play me ;)
Well. You're in your late 50s....Max Bod would be, what, 5? What do you deadlift now? Reflexes...6?

I dropped a point of Reflexes and Body Type already, however I kept the Body Type Modifier 'cause I'm a tough 'ol broad (think Frontier Granny ca. 1880's).
I treat starting stats of 1 or 2 as handicapped/disabled/or just fugly. I have had one player try to start with a attr of 1. When I asked what 3 deformities his char had he upped it to 3. Just plain fugly. In the house rules we use 9s and 10s in stats and skills cost more. Attr has been changed to Appearance as a measure of the societal standard of beauty.

A character. Not a dwarf.

Handle: Cook
Role: Prowler

Attr: 5
Bod: 6
Cool: 5
EMP: 8
INT: 8
Luck: 5
MA: 7
Ref: 8
Tech: 8

Gear: Travel Kit, Advanced alarm removal kit (shielded), Allergy masks, Clothes, shaving kit. Handcuff key, hacksaw blade, Pocket knife, 50 eb card, lockpicks. Monoknife, combat knife, 4 throwing knives. 60 eb left.

Ware: Neuralware processor, cyber ebook, extra memory, interface plugs, universal link, antidazzle nicm, nasal filters, subdermal pockt, neural ulf processor.

Sneak 6
Awareness 5
Hide/Evade 4
Athletics 4
Handgun 1
Melee 1
Stealth 6
Disguise 1
Electronic security 6
Pick lock 5

Endurance 3
Streetwise 4
Education 2
Martial arts 5
Pick Pocket 4
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Just revisiting the whole BOD Stat thing.

This is my friend John. Rules as written, he'd have a BOD of 6 - 7. Video of him pulling 590 lb (approx. 268 kg) for deadlift.

Please note, John does not have what I think of as an "average" physique.


Audio warning: some kind of Grindcore soundtrack. Feel free to mute, if it's not your cuppa.
True said chombattas.

BOD stat is a mess...
...but let's get back to topic...

I've build my character with 70 points (we Edgerunner are kinda "heroes" of our own, right?)

And here he is!

Character. No dwarf!

Handle: Kalervo "Kyberpunkki" Korpisuo
Role: Eurosolo

Attr: 5
Bod: 8
Cool: 9
EMP: 7/5
INT: 9
Luck: 5
MA: 9
Ref: 9
Tech: 9

Gear: Sternmayer P-35, Heavy pistol ammo (50), Plastech Duster, Shoulder holster, CredChip acc. (inserted underskin)

Ware: Basic Prosessor, Kerenzikov (+2), Chipware socket (w/ MRAM Russia +3, English +3), Pain Editor, Biomonitor, Light tattoo.

HL: 12,5

Euro bucks left: 492eb.

Humanity: 57.5

CS 6
Wardrobe 4
Awareness 4
Expert: Weapons 4
Athletics 4
Handgun 6
Martial Arts 3
Weaponsmith 2
Corporate Policy 1 (+2 Gen.Knowl., +1 Lang.)

Culture 2
Buisness Sense 2
Lang. 1 (2 in total)
Driving 3
Endurance 2
Swimming 2
Stealth 3
Heavy weapons 2

Background (in chart):
Family rank; Corporate Manager. Never knew parents. Family status OK. Childhood spent in safe Corporate suburbia. 2 siblings; Elder brother 'n sister, both dislikes.

Background (in character):
I was part of Corporate family, but I never met them since I was sent into corporate sponsored school. I spent my boring and safe childhood in corporate guarded suburbia. Yeah I have two elder siblings who see me as inferior to themselves. What a wonderful brother and sister I have...

Intellectual & detached. No valued person. Valuing most for having a good time. Neutral feelings on people. Valued possession; a photograph (lucky picture of character in same picture as visiting guest; mr. Arasaka himself. Reason the character is dreaming for getting top grunt in Arasaka's services)

Life Events (in paper):
17; Nothing, 18; Love didn't work out (girl still loves), 19; Financial windfall 1000eb, 20; Happy love affair, 21; Tragic love affair (lover kidnapped).

Life Events (in character):
"My whole life up to my age of 17 was nothing but boring studying (at least I got close enough good grades in my college so far...). When I got 18, there was this one girl in Arasaka sponsored "School for Solos" who got her eyes on me. I dunno why she was so interest in me, but that relationship didn't work out. She exposed her feeling for me before I left after my graduation from the School for Solos. In my age of 19 I made fine money for being security solo in a corporate, still going to gather more experience before going to try getting hired into Arasaka. On my 20th I met this gal from the Solo school again. She was working in Arasaka and from there she was sent in this same corporation what hired me for this escort mission. During that gig she got closer to me and offered to get me hired into Arasaka. Well... that mission was basically being together with the gal, I guess we became input and output... sort of... but then the new year came and went, and gig was over. I was just turned into my age of 21st, when the gal was bringing me into Arasaka. She had some family connections for Arasaka (explains why she was working in there in the first place, figures...) and it was easy for her to get me into job interview. So I came for the front of the Arasaka's office I was going to be interviewed when these grunts just stormed out from the office carrying tied up "Gal" (I call her by that because I've never learned to remember her real name...) who managed to get stuffed fabrics out off her mouth so she could call me to help. I reacted and pulled out my Sternmayer, but one of the grunts reacted first to pull his "smudge" for pinning me down. Th grunt managed to pay enough time for his pals to get into their escape car, before I nailed him. The other grunts escaped while I tried to shoot at the wheels from their car, but missed. Two corporate Executives bursted out from the office yelling to stop the kidnappers. Well, I turned out to be that these to executives were the parents of the Gal. So the Gal's mama and papa demanded me to go save her, and they even agreed to hire me into Arasaka if I succeed. Fine prize for me. So here I am, following the tracks of the kidnapper grunts and trying to find and save Gal. Anybody willing to help?"

And there it was... and my hands are burning...
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First of all, hello to all of you, for this is my first post here, eventhough I've been roaming the forum for some time now!

So here's a character of mine, with 65 points, and free cyberlegs (the real legs were lost in the line of duty, oh well...)

Name : Piotr Valinienko

Age : 26

Role : Solo

ATTR : 6
BOD : 8
COOL : 8
EMP : 7 (6)
INT : 7
LUCK : 7
MA : 8
REF : 9
TECH : 5

Combat Sense 5
Awareness 3
Handgun 3
Martial Arts 3
Melee 3
Weapon Tech 2
Rifle 6
Athletics 4
Submachinegun 3
Stealth 3

Endurance 3
Swimming 2
Know Language (English) 2
Shadow/Track 3
Driving 2
Demolitions 2
First Aid 2

Gear : Kalachnikov A-80 Assault Heavy Rifle, Militech Arms Avenger, Light Armor Jacket, 1 Fragmentation Grenade, 1 Stun Grenade

Ware : Cyberlegs (right one with hidden holster) with RealSkin, Thickened Myomar Strands and Microwave & EMP Shielding, Basic Processor, Kerizenkov +2

Humanity Loss : 17

EB left : 585

Background : Family ranking : Crime Lord, Parents : You were left with relatives for safekeeping, Family Status : OK, Childhood Environment : In a small town away from the City, Siblings : one older brother (dislikes you), one younger brother (likes you), one younger sister (neutral)

Motivations : Personality : Stable and serious, Valued Person : Friend, Value Most : Honour, Feel about People : Every person is a valuable individual, Valued possession : Book

Life Events : 17 : Nothing, 18 : Relative killed, 19 : Friend in Police Force, 20 : Made a friend (female, reconnect with an old childhood friend), 21 : Romantic Life (Happy love affair), 22 : Nothing, 23 : Teacher, 24 : Accident (Hospitalized 9 months), 25 : Powerful connection (DA’s Office), 26 : Made an enemy (Boostergang member)

So he comes from a big family of vory v zakone (Russian mafia) family in Moscow, but due to family wars, he was sent to his grandparents in the countryside with his younger brother and sister. Nothing really happened until he was 18, when family wars started again, and the countryside mansion was blown with his grandparents in it. Luckily, neither him nor his siblings were in it.
This event led him to flee his family and the violence killing it bit by bit. His older brother, now part of the mafia, dislikes him for "betraying" the family.
Always attracted by the military life, he joined the russian paratroopers. Two years later, he was taken in the GRU Spetnaz regiment. At the same time he met an old childhood friend of his, and they began dating each other.
At 24, an unlucky RPG rocket blew off his legs and he spent a long time recovering. This made him quit the army and he took up a life of bounty hunter, as fighting was really the only thing he could do well

So yeah, here you go! Hope to see more characters here, and see you soon!
If you're a fan of Interlock Unlimited, check out the world's only 24 hour, 7 days a week, Cyberpunk 2020/IU chat:

We look forward to you joining us!

If you're curious what its about, jump in and chat: http://us21.chatzy.com/53846271793008

I've actually stopped in here, awhile ago. Looked pretty fun. Don't have the time right now, plus the idea of being a player gives me hives ( so vulnerable! so ignorant!), but it was well-run and coherent, with cyber love evident.

Anyone who's made a character here, and those who'd like to try the PnP, I'd recommend you at least check it out.
Thanks for the promotional Sardukhar. We've had our ups and downs, the chat has been running for around 3 years now. I think the height of our player base has been around 20 players and 4 full time Referees. The Chat is about to undergo a brief hiatus from Referee-run scenes while we prepare to fast-forward the timeline a year to 2028. The atmosphere of Night City is about to change under a new Mayor, in the wake of a civil war with the old U.S. Federal government retaking the Free State of NorCal and implementation of Artificial Intelligence in city-governance.

This would be a great time for new players to the chat to start joining, as it should be a rather equal starting position to older PCs.
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