What is the use of "Enhancements" and "Mutagens"?

It`s really simple to add enhancements . When in game press I for inventory then scroll down until you find the enhancement you want then click and hold down the left mouse button then move the mouse while still holding down the left mouse button to the armor once you get to the correct slot on the right side of the screen then release the left mouse button at which point the game will ask if you want to apply the enhancement . Then click yes if you do want to apply the enhancement or no if you don`t .
can i ask One OFF TOPIC: how u grab a video from the game?

I already posted the method above. I use avconv (which is a fork of ffmpeg).

Here is the exact method. I do it on Linux, on other OSes the method will use different filter to capture the screen:

avconv -f x11grab -s 1680x1050 -framerate 60 -i :0.0 -codec:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 10M -codec:a null witcher2.webm
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