Welcome to The Hairy Bear: The Witcher Off-Topic [Archived]

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Well, if you don't mind, I will keep working with my Cahir artwork...


Ps: I want to see it...
I will do stuff my way.

And that´s what you should do.

One little piece of advice, though.
Sometimes it would seem that those closer to you don´t care about your feelings and ambitions and disapprove every decision you make. But, usually, they do care, and they are trying to help the best they can even if they achieve quite the opposite. If this is the case, the best solution is to open up to them, tell them about your desires, ambitions, passions, and explaining what´s going on inside your soul.
Locking emotions is never good... One always needs to vent them somehow.
I locked my emotions away, i feel nothing anymore, not showing anger, not showing weakness.
I feel annoyed, my own family stopped supporting me spiritually, seeing me as a failure, i try to stay positive, saying that all will be well, yet reminding me every time about my failures pushes me to the limit, and yesterday i lost it.
Disappointment is the worst feeling that anyone could experience, i have my dreams i have my plans, but i can't make them a reality just like that *poof* and there it is, life is hard, and everyone expect so much from me, and always comparing me to others, that's why i disappeared for sometime, the situation got out of control.

I can't pretend to know exactly what you are going through, but I've had times where I have had similar feelings. Bottling my feelings until I feel just...numb. But it is a dangerous thing, because while it may address the immediate need of not wanting to feel so that you don't get overwhelmed, if it goes too long it'll explode.

I'm really sorry to hear that your family is not being supportive. Not having that is extremely hard and I've seen the struggle of friends and loved ones who have gone through the same. There is no damage like emotional damage. I don't like to give advice if I can help it, you know your situation best and you'll handle it as you see fit, but try to focus on yourself. On being true to yourself. Like @wichat said, you shouldn't have to seek approval. Your life is your own and only you can make your own choices; they aren't dependent on others.

That being said, I hope you come across people who do support you and whatever decisions you make. Sometimes you have to go down a weird and obtuse path in order to get to where you want, sometimes you find something else unexpected that you never thought of, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do in the meantime until you can take that next step. Very few people get things right the first time (or even the second, third, etc), but continue to learn and grow from any 'failures' you encounter (I put that in quotes because I don't see them as failures, but as lessons). Try to find times to indulge yourself and do something different that you will enjoy and make you happy.

Just know that there are many people who have gone through many things here and while I can't speak for everyone, I am certain that you can find some support here from us. Maybe we can't do much, but if talking with us helps, please continue to do so.
Posted before but I still think it's true, chin up old son:

Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse.

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
On a different topic, when I entered this thread today and saw all the REDpoints machine gun stuff, I was like "WTF happened here????"
Something like this:

Then I saw Reptile´s post, and understood all that madness was moved from another thread, so sanity was restored (to a certain level, of course... sanity is never 100% in the Hairy Bear!)
Great, now had a fight with mother...Now she is mad and doesn't want to speak to me, well i don't want as well.
I'll be leaving the house in 25 min to put out some steam (Boxing)
I do see her point therefore i'm mad at myself and her, i'm a passive human, who has no ass to sit down and achieve the goal.
I feel ashamed for the fact that she is right, yet i do have desires but i don't have ambition to reach the final destination i always stop in the middle of things.
I did achieve alot, yet it is not their dreams, that's the problem, in world matters i achieved partnership with a network on youtube, wrote stories, finished school as best in class 4 years in a row. Yet it is never enough, it is not their dreams that i achieved that's why they are mad. I'm supposed to be the one to correct their mistakes. parents...i may not be one, maybe that's why i don't agree with them.
On a different topic, when I entered this thread today and saw all the REDpoints machine gun stuff, I was like "WTF happened here????"
Something like this:

Then I saw Reptile´s post, and understood all that madness was moved from another thread, so sanity was restored (to a certain level, of course... sanity is never 100% in the Hairy Bear!)

I guess it's called sympathy and empathy...that led to this. maybe i missed something in the past posts.
Great, now had a fight with mother...Now she is mad and doesn't want to speak to me, well i don't want as well.
I'll be leaving the house in 25 min to put out some steam (Boxing)
I do see her point therefore i'm mad at myself and her, i'm a passive human, who has no ass to sit down and achieve the goal.
I feel ashamed for the fact that she is right, yet i do have desires but i don't have ambition to reach the final destination i always stop in the middle of things.
I did achieve alot, yet it is not their dreams, that's the problem, in world matters i achieved partnership with a network on youtube, wrote stories, finished school as best in class 4 years in a row. Yet it is never enough, it is not their dreams that i achieved that's why they are mad. I'm supposed to be the one to correct their mistakes. parents...i may not be one, maybe that's why i don't agree with them.

Well, in my opinion it is never fair for parents to blame their children if they don't meet whatever expectations they have. That's not their call. You are not on this planet to justify their existence or correct their mistakes. But I totally understand the feeling of beating yourself up because you don't feel like you've done enough yourself. Try to use it as a motivator if you can. You don't have to build Rome in a day, but think about some small steps you can take to start gaining some momentum for yourself. Sounds like you have done some note worthy things, even if they don't want to acknowledge it.

I guess it's called sympathy and empathy...that led to this. maybe i missed something in the past posts.

Heh, he actually means the posts that got moved over here from the Ciri fandom thread where we went majorly off-topic and got really silly.
Right now your parents are on the sprint of their life... you are in the first terce of your marathon...

The differences of concepts like achieve and fail are huge, but doesn't mean their aren't right...neither YOU. Finding the breakeven is not guaranteed. In fact life is this: find the balance point.

That is easy especially when you're not so young anymore ... * sigh *
Well on the good news part of the week so far, Monday I had a huge event at work, and i got 100$ tip in the end of the night...which is alot on average days.
I don't know how waiters get their tips on other countries or other places, but here...well that's my record at the moment.
Ohhh, now the steam has been released and we all calmed down, i have only one thing on my mind.
All will be well.
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