Legendary items/items for quest from The Witcher 2

Legendary items/items for quest from The Witcher 2

Would legendary items such as "dark sets" or operator's staff or Fillipa's dagger be imported into Witcher 3? Since I got the collection of all of those, just wondered if it would matter in Witcher 3
I would be very disappointed if important items like the dagger won't be imported,
but if we were to follow witcher 2's import modus operandi...
There will be a select few equipments that will be carried over but have dramatically reduced stats

Just my 2 orens :)
Better than not importing them at all at least. Also, there was silver elven sword in Lok Muine that was connected to Wild Hunt. Things like this are vital for plot.
Considering how hard I had to work my arse off to get those Dark armour and weapon sets (I am normally someone who plays on the lowest difficulty setting ;__; ) I would appreciate it if they could be carried over!
I think I read in another thread that there won't be any items that will be carried over. Even the ones from Dark Mode. (Maybe it was the Savegame import thread)

And yeah I also worked my arse off for them...
Well, I imported Aerondight into W2 and somehow that legendary sword became useless piece of crap...One of the worst silver swords in game:
Same goes for legendary Raven armor, for which I worked hard through 2 chapters in W1...What is the point of having "legendary" items with reduced stats?
I know, Geralt shouldn't be overpowered at beginning of the game, but still...So, I used this:


And used W1 items almost until the end..
They better be carried over since I went through all the trouble to get them! Though personally I hope the armors themselves aren't that useful, but if you have all three you can forge them into another "Dark" armor set.

That way we won't have the problem Witcher 2 had where the equipment you imported from W1 became obsolete after two hours. And you won't have the opposite problem where the imported armors are overpowered. Although at this point all this seems irrelevant because the content is already set in stone.
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I hope that they're not carried over, or that their stats are reduced. I definitely don't want to ruin the difficulty balance of TW3 with an overpowered weapon or armor. Imagine how disappointed you'll feel after a hard fight in TW3 when the reward is useless compared to what you already have. For me that would ruin the game.

Importing overpowered items is the perfect thing for modders to add for a future playthrough.
This is something I sincerely hope happens. I have a strong attachment to Raven's armor, Dark sets, Blue Stripes suit, Ysgith etc. Not only are they excellent looking armors - the best I've ever seen in a game - they played a part in the story. Just nerf the stats if you must CDPR, but please bring some of the old armors back. At the very least, I'm sure RED kit will make it possible.
Lets hope the dark sets get carrier over. Then again this game will take place half a year after TW2, so Gedalt might have changed armor sets.

Not the tattoo, the tattoo is forever. (Lets hope that gets carried over ;p )
I think the items that carry over should give the players an advantage in the beginning of the game, but making them to be too good is not a wise gameplay decision. You want the players to explore and find new stuff, and having the best armor right off the bat kills the urge to explore and ruins the excitement of finding a new armor that looks cool and has good stats.
We worked so hard to get the Kingslaye's armor, but we did not really get to use it much before the game ended. It'd be awesome if it carried over to Witcher 3.
The Blue Stripes tattoo is a must. I really want it to carry over to Witcher 3.
You won't be able to carry over gear from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3 (I know, I am as pissed off as you all are).

As for Phillipa's Dagger, I guess if we get to
save Saskia from her curse in Witcher 3 if we did not in Witcher 2
then either Geralt would automatically have the dagger or would be given to him by Iorveth, we shall see.
Not the tattoo, the tattoo is forever. (Lets hope that gets carried over ;p )
The first time I played TW2 I didn't do that quest just because I didn't want to have the tattoo in TW3. I didn't find out till later that you can remove it :p
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