Now playing [music]


English Translation: said:
I did a trick in O’Domhnall's house last night
And a second trick at the holstelry next door
I'd prefer not to add the third trick to my story
And I often spent a good time with her

Oh God Almighty, what drove me to this district?
When it's many a fine lass I'd find in my own townland
I called into the house of my own true love
And the old woman put me twisting rope 'til I was outside the door

If you'll be mine, be mine oh treasure of my heart
If you'll be mine, be mine before the whole world
If you'll be mine, be mine every inch of your heart
Alas that you're not my wife this Sunday

My head is gray and it's not from old age
Fair words butter no parships anyway
I'm after you now for a year and it's useless
And I'm like a deer on the moor and the hounds are yelping after me

I'd plow, I'd toil, I'd sow seed in the clay
And I'd do a steady job, beautiful, smooth and even
I'd shoe the maddest horse ever to walk on grass
And the woman still wouldn't elope with a man who’d do that

"Fair words butter no parsnips anyway"... isn't that what Iorveth says in his captured bliss dream ? ;)
This is great collection of classical and original music, whether or not you like anime at all. If you do like anime (and classical music), this series has been pretty good.

And been on a 70s and 80s romp lately too.

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