How do Sign Hotkeys work In W3?

How do Sign Hotkeys work In W3?

I've been replaying W2 in preparation for W3 lately. I usually play with an xbox controller but decided to give M+K a try. One thing that bothers me is that when you select a sign from the hotkeys it automatically casts it (assuming you any vigor). Does anyone know if there's an option to only select the sign rather than cast it in W3? It might not be that big of a problem, but when I cast quen at the beginning of a fight I keeping changing sign and casting it at the wrong guy or miss them completely and it's really starting to piss me off. I doubt there's an answer out there seeing as nobody's been allowed to play with keyboard but maybe one of the REDS would be kind enough to answer? Thanks.
Can i switch signs without having to pull up the menu?

Can i switch signs without having to pull up the menu?

That slow mo to switch signs bothers me a lot i want something more fluid like hotkeys 1 to 5 or on controller scroll with Dpad left or right
From what I remember , in W2 you can press "3" to select a sign in a small menu down and left on your screen, keeping it prepared and "q" to use it whenever you want. But I don't know remember if it doesn't switch after using another sign.
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Yeah, and I wonder how can you map signs to certain hotkeys with a controller, I mean there ain't a lot of choice there.
As a PC gamer I hated the W2 sign control, I want press switch&cast sign instantly, like press 1 - cast Aard , press 2 - Igni.. :scold:
So I can map them to my mouse thumb buttons.
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As a PC gamer I hated the W2 sign control, I want press switch&cast sign instantly, like press 1 - cast Aard , press 2 - Igni.. etc

I disliked the fact that the first time you pressed it, he unsheathed his sword. All those times you were caught short after a cutscene.
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