A Night To Remember CGI trailer.

Man i really hope that its just the vampire who'se dead.
I still hope that we can see the woman ingame still.
Can someone tell's if this is from the game (and then polished) or that it is just a trailer?

It's CGI, like with the intro to the Witcher 2, it isn't game assets or anything.
My guess (and it's only a guess), is no.

Yeah... to bad ... isn' t is? But i say we need that fricking lullaby DEFINATLY in The Witcher 3.
That would be so awesome to hear it by just passing by someone. Or in one of Geralts
nightmares / dreams. For example when a nice dream turns into a nightmare, somehow.
Watched a couple of times now and must say - I can't help but feel sad everytime during the last scenes. It's just - I don't know. The thing I love about the Witcher series, that nothing is good or evil, and how it is conveyed with the music etc. It's perfect.
Night to remember trailer

I have watched this like 30 time and i dont want it to end! Does anyone else think this would make an awesome CGI movie or mini series? They could put it on GOG or something
Apparently glittering vampires can also be made in a really cool way :p

Just loved the trailer. It had the special mythical feeling like the witcher 1. The lullaby was beautiful in every way <3
This is one of the best trailers I ever seen! In fact, I hope there will be a actual Witcher CGI movie! I would pay for it on bluray in a nano second!
In cdp.pl (branch of CDPR who publish games in Poland, recently sold, they publish The Witcher 3 in Poland) version of trailer with polish subtitles there is no question, that all this lullaby was sung by monster.

"(...) Tylko ty jedna nie śpisz, strachem zdjęta...
Bo wiedźmin cię dopadnie i spęta
Za trzos złota obetnie główkę, rączęta
Pokroi na kawałki, na okruszki
Nie zostanie nic z mej duszki
Przyjdzie wiedźmin i cię zje
I cię zje"

"(...) You're the only one who aren't sleeping and you're full of fear ...
Because the witcher will hunt you down and will tether you
For a purse of gold he will cut off your head and hands
He will cut you into pieces, crumbs
There will be no remains of my darling (or diminutively "of my soul" - "z mojej duszki" can have both meanings)
The Witcher will come and eat you
And will eat you "
1. High vampires are very resistant. Silver doesn't hurt them really (Regis demonstrated it by eating with a silver fork).
2. My guess - nothing. Geralt decided to spare her (and go without the reward).

Oh I'm pretty sure she died. lol. Someone on the BSN posted this, not sure if it's been posted here, but...wow:

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Watched a couple of times now and must say - I can't help but feel sad everytime during the last scenes. It's just - I don't know. The thing I love about the Witcher series, that nothing is good or evil, and how it is conveyed with the music etc. It's perfect.

Same here, especially when the vampire turns into that woman again and where's shes shown only one arm now.. Feeling the most sad there.. :(
Revisiting the trailer and thinking about it again, it does indeed seem to be more thought provoking than I first thought. At first I didn't see the conflict between "who is the real monster", but when I think about it does seem pretty plausible.

The Polish version of the lullaby makes it very explicit it is a lullaby sung by monsters and so she was obviously raised fearing Witchers, this then means that when she is made aware of Geralt standing behind her, she is approaching the situation on the assumption that he is the monster from the lullabies she's heard, she's approaching it from the point of view of a murderer approaching her. He is approaching the situation from the tales he's heard from the villagers, as far as we know Geralt doesn't actually know she is the monster [in terms of actions] the villagers might have made her out to be, they are both operating on pre-concieved notions of each other's nature, they're both blinded by it.

I think perhaps he realises this in the end of the trailer and that is why he doesn't take a part of her as a trophy, I don't think it's a question of her regenerating, I think he probably thinks she is dead, it's simply disillusionment with what he's done. Sorry, I know that's all obvious to most by now, I just think it's really great following a closer look.
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Why did Geralt spare her life? She was a murderer! :(
We assume she was. Or at least Geralt thought so in the beginning. Why exactly he would do it is of course left out for you to interpret. As some suggested above, may be she reacted just to provoke Geralt (out of viewing him as a monster himself), but really she wasn't guilty. This ambiguity in the story is fitting for the Witcher world.

---------- Updated at 09:33 PM ----------

Oh I'm pretty sure she died.

I'd say Regis survived after way bigger damage. Interesting catch with the bite mark. Does it suggest that this event happened before TW2? Could be even way before. Which gives some option of her recovery and appearance in TW3 :)

---------- Updated at 10:15 PM ----------

I can't shake the feeling that this story will be in the game and we will actually LEARN what's behind it.

I hope they won't just leave it there and we'll see some continuation.
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But she ended up moldering bones in the end. I felt bad for her, actually. She came across as someone very old. Her instant recognition of Geralt as a monster hunter gave it away, and the way her voice echoed in a creepy manner when she said 'in times past, no Witcher would ever take such a contract'. Geralt's response almost seemed naive. Man, such a trailer. I'm almost certain it's a quest in the game.
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But she ended up moldering bones in the end. I felt bad for her, actually. She came across as someone very old, the way her voice echoed in a creepy manner when she said 'in times past, no Witcher would ever take such a contract', and Geralt's response almost seemed naive. Man, such a trailer. I'm almost certain it's a quest in the game.

I've red somewhere that Sapkowski mentioned that Regis could potentially recover even from being melted by Vilgefortz. So I wouldn't count her out just yet. If they could bring her back as an NPC in the game - it would be great.

And as some suggested above in the thread, what she said mirrors what Geralt said to Regis (that no one could offer him enough money to take a contract for Regis). So it's a semi-hidden hint that she is a similar kind of high vampire.

---------- Updated at 01:33 AM ----------

Revisiting the trailer and thinking about it again, it does indeed seem to be more thought provoking than I first thought. At first I didn't see the conflict between "who is the real monster", but when I think about it does seem pretty plausible.
Sorry, I know that's all obvious to most by now, I just think it's really great following a closer look.

I like how it's easy to make the first impression that's simplistic and pretty straightforward, but if you look closer, you start seeing other ways to interpret it up to turning the whole thing in reverse. I really hope that the game offers similar depth to the story.
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I can't shake the feeling that this story will be in the game and we will actually LEARN what's behind it.

It's possible but I'd say unlikely. I think this is because CDPR probably didn't intend for this trailer to be made way back when they were planning their CG trailers. I'm under the impression that they organised for Platige Image to make those two trailers (Killing Monsters and the Trail) and then after they announced the release date was going to be pushed, needed to organise more CG advertising (TV Spot and this). I have a feeling this story -- as brilliant and as in depth as it is -- was just put together for the trailer. They could have taken a plotline from the already written game, but I dunno, I doubt they did that. Nevertheless, I do like this as a standalone - i think confirmation would ruin it a little for me. If any other references would be made, I'd think about visiting the shack where it happened would be enough. I don't think Geralt would want to think about it anymore.

plus it would imply that someone would have to see this trailer in order to get the reference, which I think would be a bit weird if you're not a witcher nerd whose been consuming every skerrick of media since day one.

I'd say Regis survived after way bigger damage
I still dispute that she's a higher vampire. Geralt hadn't met one like Regis until he'd met him and if they were going to introduce a higher vampire I doubt they'd do it in a trailer like this and give this whole possibility that she could be alive -- there's a really strong message about witchers being given and i think her surviving would debunk all of that. Plus that shot of her eyes glazing over after Geralt hits the deck and passes out is about dying -- regardless of potential survival due to being a higher vampire -- that type of shot used in most cinematography speaks only of death.

I suppose we'll see how tw3 depicts bruxa/alphs/other vampire species and higher vampires, maybe we can know for sure then.
It's possible but I'd say unlikely. I think this is because CDPR probably didn't intend for this trailer to be made way back when they were planning their CG trailers.

It's definitely a great material for a potential standalone adventure.

I still dispute that she's a higher vampire.

As I said above, one hint that she could be a high vampire is that quote about not taking the contract. It paraphrases what Geralt said to Regis about taking such contract (a pretty clear reference for me). Plus one argument that she is not a Bruxa that I brought above is that she didn't use the scream attack. And I don't remember that Bruxae could become invisible. Of course there is a whole list of vampires that are very vaguely described in the books. For example almost nothing is known about Nosferat and etc.
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