Recent content by Aldon76

  1. Aldon76

    Please Hotfix the 0 Damage on Weapon bug..

    I got the bug in my first game and didn't even find Skippy there. And the tatoo is not the problem, because you got it really late and the bug occured far earlier.
  2. Aldon76

    The lack of 3rd person view

    As an older player, I've been used to first person from the past. The fact that almost all guys play as a woman (apart from secret fantasies) is due to the view of one's own (now female) butt. A look at Nexus reveals the secret longings in the form of oversized breasts or butts, for example at...
  3. Aldon76

    [Video] Male romance with Judy & River was cut out of the game.

    Not necessary, I get that here in the supermarket, like you a gun in your country. But wanted to see the scene, well, will survive and wait for the mods that will inevitably come.
  4. Aldon76

    [Video] Male romance with Judy & River was cut out of the game.

    What a pity. But I already understand why American corporations do this, sex is completely unnatural and anti-human. It's good that there are people over there in God's own country who protect me from bare skin...
  5. Aldon76

    [Video] Male romance with Judy & River was cut out of the game.

    Cant watch it. It says, it is privat.
  6. Aldon76

    Please Hotfix the 0 Damage on Weapon bug..

    Quicksave and load also works. I hope they will fix it soon.
  7. Aldon76

    The Beast In Me "kill-route" ending is crap.

    not likely...for sure! You have to say that you wont kill him with cold blood, then you can convince her when she pulls her gun out.
  8. Aldon76

    Automatic Love trouble with stealth [Some Spoilers]

    Spoiler: Yes and no. Leave the place. In the next mission you meet Maiko with Judy and if you tell her about Evelyn, she lures Mr. Forest aka Woodman to the maintanance level, where you have the option to meet him with Judy and help her killing the bastard. Best solution.
  9. Aldon76

    Most broken weapons in CP: what should get balanced first.

    To list two stupid revolvers here is a joke. I can turn off an entire building with all the people in it from 50m away with quickhacks and you think a revolver that can kill "one person" immediately is op?
  10. Aldon76

    Shopping 2077

    Although the game seems to be modern and progressive in many respects, I still have to run from business to business to get my goods. I can neither order conveniently on the Internet, nor do the dealers have different prices. Cyberware manufacturers seem to deliver only one of their products to...
  11. Aldon76

    (Possible Spoiler or Bug) Nomad Betrayal

    You can just finish all Gigs before trying. But of course you cant choose the Panam ending.
  12. Aldon76

    Extremely unimmersive police system

    There is no police in pacifica. There are vodoo boys all over the place, but co cops.
  13. Aldon76

    (Possible Spoiler or Bug) Nomad Betrayal

    Can't remember ever having an option to play Saul and Panam off against each other. As far as I can tell after three rounds of the game, there was no quest with any alternative with a different ending that would have brought more than one remark from Johnny.
  14. Aldon76

    Best damage type to get for guns?

    Since even at the highest level everything is dead with two three shots, in the later course of the game instant, Damage over time is quite pointless. Bosses don't have a universal solution because they have different immunities
  15. Aldon76

    Nudity? What Happened?

    Some of the statements are being made here that shake me. Are providers or markets to blame? The game is a critique of uncontrolled capitalism and its corporations and then you accept that? Parents don't want their children to see naked people? Do we live on the same planet? Do you have enough...
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