Recent content by Bladerj

  1. Bladerj

    If you could make an existing character a romance option in future DLC...

    punk moxie i never saw from corpo intro and clouds secretary
  2. Bladerj

    Why was braindance removed, especially since we can buy braindances?

    BD wreath is just a cosmetic armor for the face
  3. Bladerj

    [SPOILERS] My personal beef with CP77- How can we justify Johnny's terrorism? Really?

    huh...yes ? i try not to run anyone who is not a gang banger dealer mf. i caled ambulance in gta v.....and the first thing i did was download the emergency mod that actually revived the peds, the script was in the game but broken. there should be a way to choose format JC:/
  4. Bladerj

    Gray skin texture glitch around the shoulders and neck with female v when wearing certain clothing tops on xbox one x

    They forgot to remove the alpha maps, mauhauhahaur. i got one where everything was deleted, so i have a invisible top, im keeping it.
  5. Bladerj

    CP77 : sex (...), drugs (???) and rock'n roll : where are drugs ?

    bullshit, without inhaler you die in 5 minutes.
  6. Bladerj

    January and Feburary Big updates, what to excpect ?

    their focus will be on consoles, expect minor patches that crosspatch to pc.
  7. Bladerj

    Where are all the sexy outfits?

    im sure by now you already know this, but yo cant kill moxxes
  8. Bladerj

    Blurry Tattoos and Posters After 1.04 Patch

    wow they are lowering the graphics so last gen can run better and gave pc the same settings lmao
  9. Bladerj

    1.04- Did you "cut" some shandow,?

    they also removed a bunch of poses from photo mode.....seems they are trying to clear memory for last gen and pc got stuck with it.
  10. Bladerj

    Forced Sharpening in 1.04?

    this is problably a side effect to "enhance"the game look on consoles, and we got the shaft. this patch also removed a bunch of poses from photo mode......
  11. Bladerj

    Game has no anti-aliasing option

    The game already has AA its activated by default, its problably TAA wich causes edges to be very blurry, you can see this when you move your character.
  12. Bladerj

    This is a barebones RPG. Someone had to say it.

    im new here so i cant post threads, can someone make one for me ? >> They removed a bunch of poses from photo mode with the last patch. no more sitting poses,no stalking, praise the sun, and a bunch of others. i really hope this wasnt a memory budget for last gen that got shafted into pc as well.
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