Recent content by castel1x1

  1. C

    Cyberpunk...Heck yes! (Meet and Greet)

    You need to get out more.
  2. C

    New Cyberpunk RPG on Kickstarter - Reborn

    Well, well, well,. It does look nice.
  3. C

    Should certain Roles be eliminated?

    Really hope that this game is not just going to be a long series of silly fights and that a different approach and gameplay is going to be possible. All roles can be interesting, it only depends how the game is made and the options the players have.
  4. C

    Multiplayer Thread - Competitive and/or Co-Op.

    I wouldn't mind a bit of coop personally. Always nice to play with a friend of two.
  5. C

    Swaggy gets all the love... What about Punky?

    How about Punkie Brewster ?
  6. C

    Shadowrun Returns

    Well, just finished the game. It sure was short but the game was cheap and all in all it was fun. Played a decker and honestly that's not a career i would really advice people to pick cause the matrix is really not used a lot in the official campaign. Cool character and all but a street samurai...
  7. C

    Turn Based Combat or Shooter ?

    Shooter i would say. I like turn based stuff too but it do tend to be quite time consuming.
  8. C

    Space Travel

    Now, that's an interesting question.
  9. C

    Oversexualizaton in Cyberpunk

    Kind of unpleasant to see how juvenile some elements of this universe are. Nothing mature or adult about showing boobs and half naked ladies every two minutes in a game. The maturity is in the writing. A complex and interesting story, that's what makes a good game for a mature audience...
  10. C

    Emulating the rules, but which system?

    Nothing better than the mouse/keyboard combo.
  11. C

    Cyberpunk Soundtrack

    Some very good vids here. Thanks for the awesomeness people.
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