Recent content by ChoroQ_10yen

  1. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    @Mugen I feel the same way. Maybe CDPR thinks that way. However, there are already many mobile card games in Japan. Is it the same in the country where you live? For example, Capcom recently released “TEPPEN”. (This naming is a parody of "TEKKEN") I don't like playing card games on mobile. I...
  2. ChoroQ_10yen


    ご担当者様 いつも楽しくプレイさせていただいております。一つご提案があります。 相手側の最後の一手(一枚)で、大逆転を喫し負けてしまうことがあるのですが、最後に相手がどのカードのどの効果を使ったのか分かるようにしていただきたいです。 既にプレイ中にお互いが出したカードの履歴が分かる機能がありますが、それを勝敗結果画面でも見れるようにしていただきたいです。 上級者や経験豊富な方にとっては不要な機能かも知れませんが、初級者は最後の一手(一枚)がどのようなカードなのか分からず、「最後に何が起きたの?!」という状況になってしまいます。 以上、ご検討の程よろしくお願いいたします。
  3. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    @Khreygond Thank you for your reply. google translation can't translate your text so accurately and translates it into esoteric Japanese. I can read a little English, so I think you almost understand your claim, but I'm not confident. However, I am very happy to exchange opinions with you...
  4. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    >Different wordings but essentially the same ability. @flyhy I accept. I have little experience playing GWENT, but I now feel that too. However, I know a card game that has changed the game balance by adding new cards. One of them is Yu-Gi-Oh! For now, I'm really looking forward to playing...
  5. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    @ DRK3 I respect your opinion. If CDPR wants to establish GWENT as e-sports, I think that a uniform balance adjustment is necessary. But that is a very difficult theme. I can't see what you can see because I have less player skills than you do. So I keep playing GWENT and aim to improve my...
  6. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    Hi, DRK3. I am a casual player who has no great experience like you. But I am aiming for a higher rank. Monsters and Skellige played dominant for 5 months and 2/3 months, but aren't playing now? Isn't it a good change? Will you get bored if the situation where a particular power is dominantly...
  7. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    HI, 4RM3D! I know the Japanese forum. However, there is not much active discussion. This is one of the reasons I feel GWENT is not very popular. I wanted to appeal that there are GWENT fans in Japan too, so I posted it in Japanese. GWENT is very fun! !
  8. ChoroQ_10yen

    Why Gwent is not popular?

    私はGWENTを先月始めたばかりです。ここ日本でも、GWENTは人気がないように感じます。 私は負けてばかりですが、私はGWENTをとても楽しんでいます。とても楽しいゲームなのに、なぜ人気がないのでしょうか? CDPRは、もっと新規プレイヤーの獲得に努力すべきだと思います。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------google translation I just started GWENT last month. I feel that GWENT...
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