Recent content by DeathWatch92

  1. DeathWatch92

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is coming to the next generation!

    Just increase the number of available mods and it will be good, really
  2. DeathWatch92

    Script Compilation Error with modded game

    Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\player\ Unknown type 'KeybindArdHood' for property 'ArdHoodBound'. Warning [modmagicspells]local\spells_execs\ Adding state 'fucking_bolt_hack' to class 'W3BoltProjectile' which is not a state machine. Did you forget...
  3. DeathWatch92

    Script Compilation Error with modded game

    help me please) Error [mod0000_mergedfiles]game\gui\menus\ Function 'CheckAdditionalSlots' is already defined in class 'CR4CharacterMenu'. Warning [modrealistictorches]local\ Adding state 'Torch_Watching' to class 'W3TorchWatcher' which is not a state...
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