Recent content by GeraltUfRivea

  1. G


    welp, the cat was walking on the keyboard, then settled down, and then he rolled over, and then i carried him off. But I guess we can pretend a pony fell through the roof onto my laptop, which somehow didn't break.
  2. G


    i dunno.
  3. G


    5qa3w4sedrfgthjkl; Fkckv.jlnjhgfhgutvftcgvgfdhxszxcvgfvrdxddcfvggvcgcfhbgvcfnvgbhbgvcfghbj.mkl/njhgvyfctgvhj,.hvgcfnhjkhbjvghjbkhgfcdghjkhngcfgnhujgfdxsfcgfdsxdcghyuh,jiyujbuykbjhgujtgvhyfvghfytfgfcdxfgfjfgykufycygukjhftyykgyff
  4. G

    Death March. Lovin it. Thx CDPR

    there are console users who prefer no health regen. Stop being superficial.
  5. G


    I think that if Geralt had short hair, he would go with the elven rebel, long and loose looks too ridiculous, loose not long looks dumb, and the mohawk looks out of place on geralt, shaved temples and elven rebel are my go-to do's
  6. G

    Where's the apology?

    Fuck off Radice, they slaved for 3 years over hot computers to bring you their pride and joy.
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