Recent content by jamesspencer935

  1. jamesspencer935

    Patch 1.1 - Enemies wont die. Game ending Glitch.

    Thanks for the response none of the weapons have pax attached. The enemies just won't die, I have tired big sticks, guns, swords, bad language and generally the power of frustration. Don't know what to do. Agree with the above love the game and wish I had no bugs. Just wish cyberpunk would give...
  2. jamesspencer935

    Patch 1.1 - Enemies wont die. Game ending Glitch.

    Again please can someone guide me on what to do. I have a glitch where I cannot kill enemies. They will not die even if I get there health down to Xero. I am stuck in a mission and just cannot progress. All my saves are the same and I have spent hours in the game getting to level 46. What on...
  3. jamesspencer935

    Cyberpunk 2077 — Our Commitment to Quality

    Good news and thanks for facing into it. Just wish you had not bottled it and released it. Lesson learnt I guess. People are willing to wait for quality and will pay for it. Love the game by the way even though its a slog sometimes as enemies wont die.
  4. jamesspencer935


    Does anyone from technical ever respond to queries?
  5. jamesspencer935


    Thanks for the comments it's helpful someone commented as I just cannot play the game anymore. I am stuck in a story loop now with Judy i cannot get out of. Put the game down ow which is so sad. It been years since I have felt vested in a game. I cannot believe they did not know the game was in...
  6. jamesspencer935


    I have the same bug, I cannot progress the missions or move on. I am just stuck. I spent ages doing the side missions and now cannot finish the game. I have emailed and asked for support but no one can be bothered responding. I know there are loads of gamers out there with these sort of...
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