Recent content by kilravok

  1. K

    If we have gadgets like this today, can you imagine 2077?

    Thanks, will keep posted how it went.
  2. K

    If we have gadgets like this today, can you imagine 2077?

    A friend of mine is going cyber in a few weeks. He will get a piece of wire implanted to bridge a damage section of a nerve down his arm, controlled with a piece of electronics. That control piece will need a battery because our present technology is not good enough to run on the minute...
  3. K

    Choice to be augment free?

    Nothing hotter than a man in Kilt...or other kind of REAL skirt....or long tunic.......trousers are for barbarians, every roman and greek knows that
  4. K


    There will of course be some individuals who fit into the stereotypes, just as in real life. That is after all where stereotypes come from, exagerations and globalisation of specific character traits, habits, social conditions, etc... And I disagree that a racist has to be portrayed as "wrong"...
  5. K


    If those good doers r4eally wanted to "protect" the young from the reality of the world, they should put a 18+ label on the news instead of porn and gory horror. Besides, this game is supposed to be an 18+ game? or why is access to this forum 18+. Do adults have to put up with censorship? You...
  6. K

    PvP: yay or nay?

    PvP is not too bad providing the game is co-op, not MMO...if it is MMO, then we'll end up having all those pew-pewers who camp at the noob spawning points and nuke everything that moves, ruining the fun for everybody multiplayer/co-op, I see n0o problem why there should not be the...
  7. K

    Cyberpunk 2077 a good name?

    I like 2077...I will turn 100 in hat year. But other than that, for sequels, if there will be: CyberPunk 2077: The day after CyberPunk 2077: Going Psycho: Cyber Punk 2077: Streets of Chrome Or how about naming them after some of the supplement books? CyberPunk 2077: Fields of Fire CyberPunk...
  8. K


    Point of fact, there is racism in the real world and there will be for at least another hundred years. CyberPunk is not a fantasy world full of teletubbies and care bears. it is the real world 20 minutes into the future. Of course there will be racists in that world and it would be just as...
  9. K

    Choice to be augment free?

    OK, I might have mistaken it for the ShadowRun system...or not...hell, I wish there were roleplayers in this area, haven't played for way too long...hardly know the rules anymore.
  10. K

    Choice to be augment free?

    The way I understood it, bioware is grown based on your own cells that are control-mutated in a lab...and as far as I understood, bioware does not cost humanity points. But because of being still mere organic tissue, it is still way inferior to cyberware.
  11. K

    Sucess IS Boring

    Sounds to me almost like those trolls who camp at respawn points and bump off all the noobs just for the lolz of senseless PK. I have quit more games because of that kind of players than because of high level boredom.
  12. K

    Why the open world form WILL work in CP2077

    Simple to keep silly ones in line. Just hammer them with the consequence. Let them have what they want, Wishmaster like. Give them precisely what hey want, and make them regret it. Since you are the GM, you set the tone of the game. You announce if it is light-hearted or serious, combat...
  13. K

    Why the open world form WILL work in CP2077

    There are quite a few virtual tabletops, and some of them are not even locked into websites. I prefer downbloadable platforms. If you add voice chat and camera to it, it is almost like around the table.
  14. K

    If we have gadgets like this today, can you imagine 2077?

    Where do you live? I got one or two projectors with an AGP port, just don't know if they work
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