Recent content by Musmanx

  1. M

    Introducing Journey - all new progression system!

    Higher Prestige Levels are changed, no boost at meteroite powder or guaranteed premium card anymore. Why this in not mentioned in the patch notes? This is a huge nerf as player only slowly move into this prestige levels. Without daily crownes how to finish quest from 2019 season where it...
  2. M

    Weird Flashy Visual Bug After Patch 3.1.

    A Friend of me has the same problem. We tried everything Legolando already mentioned and also complete new installation of gwent. No Change.
  3. M

    Änderung am Ingame-Wirtschaftssystem von GWENT

    "Alle oben genannten Änderungen treten erst am 2. Januar 2019 in Kraft. " Also kannst du das jetzt machen was wohl viele machen (müssen), wie bekloppt mit den Scraps Premium Karten erstellen. Im Endeffekt werden dadurch "alte" Spieler sogar aufgewertet da neue niemals soviele Scraps haben. Sich...
  4. M

    Thronebreaker Bonus Rewards

    I also already played Gwent and think about buying Thronebreaker but seems to be a problem to buy it AFTER playing Gwent. So i will wait until it is fixed.
  5. M

    Entertainment at Court

    That does not make sense, skellige should be next. Then later ST and NR also missing afaik. NG was already short time ago, thats enough.
  6. M

    Arena-Event: Bauer schlägt König

    Irgendwie klar was noch kommt in der Arena, nur Karten von NK, ST und Skellige fehlt noch. Schade das die Modi Goldrausch und Mimikry nicht mehr auftauchen.
  7. M

    It's Law of the Jungle.

    I am happy for any variety but please why only one week how about 2 or 3 weeks? And then you can start each 3 weeks a different arena mode.
  8. M

    The Silver Trail awaits!

    It was quite ok but Goldrush or Mimikry was much more fun (How about a mimikry Goldrush combination?). Would be nice to see one or both modes again since we already have to wait a long time for homecoming. I think nobody will cry if one of these mode will also then stay longer then some days.
  9. M

    Keep Arena Modes

    Maybe but until "Homecoming" they can (re)activate Mimikry and Gold Mode so we have a bit more alternatives or do they expect we will play the same meta for 5-6 month?
  10. M

    Keep Arena Modes

    I do not understand the Marketing Strategy of reducing fun...
  11. M

    Arena Modi beibehalten

    Ich habe nie Probleme sofort Spieler zu finden, selbst mitten in der Nacht. Das was du sagst trifft vielleicht zu wenn wir 20 oder mehr Modi hätten aber bei einer Handvoll sollte das kein Problem sein.
  12. M

    Keep Arena Modes

    Yes, Player Base is huge enough for more then one arena mode.
  13. M

    Keep Arena Modes

    Keep Arena Modes Why you don't keep the different Arena Modes? So we have more variety, what is the disadvantage? :yes:
  14. M

    Arena Modi beibehalten

    Arena Modi beibehalten Warum bleiben nicht Arena Modi wie Goldrausch und Mimikry? So gibt es doch mehr Abwechslung, was spricht dagegen? :comeatmebro:
  15. M

    Neues Video: "Austausch"-Update-Übersicht

    Dieser Mulligan Bug sollte zuletzt verbessert worden sein aber wie zu lesen war und ich auch aus leidvoller Erfahrung berichten kann hat sich da nicht viel getan.
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