Recent content by patrolez

  1. patrolez

    The clothing system in this game needs to change

    On the other hand getting stuck with single clothing featuring slots would make whole clothes looting system more boring and static. Only stats pushes a player to try-out new outfits. If you would like play a fashion game OR record and publish some "directed stories" using CP 2077 gameplay...
  2. patrolez

    Please Hotfix the 0 Damage on Weapon bug..

    Somehow I guess that Script Programmers are not aware about IEEE 754 with all flaws of floating point arithmetic in CPU, or there is some problem related to float AND integer multiplication/arithmetic with precision loss in RedScript interpreter...
  3. patrolez

    Cyberpunk 2077 and ultrawide monitors, how a company releases a game without extensive testing.

    Photo mode is bugged in Ultrawide. Mouse cursor is being locked within FullHD "guardian" and cannot reach edges where some part of GUI controls are being placed. Tried with 2560x1080.
  4. patrolez

    Stable sort algorithm - backpack/inventory/stash/storage

    Hello, during gameplay it is pain in the ass for me that doing a sequence of actions of sorting does not preserves order of previous criteria. For example doing sorting by: 1. DPS [Descending], 2. Name [Descending]. I would expect that items with the same name would be "followed by each other"...
  5. patrolez

    Weapon stats still show up as ZERO in Stash

    FYI it is still present after 1.21 patch (2021-04-14) in the game version 1.21.
  6. patrolez

    Weapon stats still show up as ZERO in Stash

    Hello, this is still an issue in v1.2 - in my case a PC version. If you load your saved game and visit a stash while doing nothing, so all tooltip stats are displayed as 0 in stash - let's call is [FRESH STATE] - a state of just loaded game without moving items between stash and backpack -...
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