Recent content by Sobi131313

  1. S

    The Problem with Nilfgaard

    Sorry guys but all this sounds like BS. Just played as usual vs Nilfgaard, I get those like 8 out of 10. You keep telling me it doesnt mean anything, I keep telling you that is becuase they are OP and most of the players go for easy win. So they Poisoned 4 cards, destroyed one with destroy unit...
  2. S

    The Problem with Nilfgaard

    I dont understand one thing - why does it mean it is better player, why doesnt it mean that NG is overpowered?
  3. S

    The Problem with Nilfgaard

    Hi All, I am probably repeating what has been said many times, but I just do not understand how playing Gwent is supposed to be fun right now. Out of my last 30 games I played about 25 against NG. That fact means something, doesnt it. The decks look all the same. I reached rank about 4 or so...
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