Recent content by waraidako

  1. W

    Toussaint should be in the Nilfgaard deck.

    Technically yes, but if it could be fun on its own I'm all for it.
  2. W

    Who are the Leaders?

    First off, dude spoilers pls... Not cool. Secondly, Skellige is seriously missing leaders. I know Cerys and Hjalmar are units, but in keeping with the viking theme they could be both units and leaders. Viking jarls and kings on the frontlines alongside their men was commonplace after all. Also...
  3. W

    Character voices

    If you could turn it off it'd be fine, but I'd rather the cards didn't speak. I like the idea of Gwent being an actual card game in the world of The Witcher, and that's what we're playing. And cards generally don't speak. They're just cards. There are already some things in the game that...
  4. W

    Chosing your deck

    Being able to choose your deck after you've already entered a game brings up a lot of issues. What's to stop someone from picking a deck specifically to counter yours? Also, who picks first? It will end up with both people just sitting there waiting for the other one to pick a deck so they can...
  5. W

    RNG a key element of Gwent?

    There is some element of RNG involved. It's the luck of the draw as they say. But Gwent is about bluffing. You can totally win with an inferior hand of cards if you just know when and how to play them.
  6. W

    How cool is that roach card artwork!

    I love it. It's great how CDPR don't feel the need to pretend their game is perfect and bug free. They know there's no such thing as a bug free game, and so instead they make the best of it and have fun with it. I wish more people could have the attitude.
  7. W

    Changes to Mardroeme

    Anything below 8 would get less of a bonus from a regular commander's horn, 8 would be the same, and anything above would do better with a commander's horn.
  8. W

    Changes to Mardroeme

    That would stack well with King Bran. IGNORE ALL THE WEATHER!! :D
  9. W

    Ability to change Gwent Rules

    And a way to easily set up private ladders would be great.
  10. W

    Your favorite deck?

    Skellige. Easy. That moment when they're leading you by 30 points, and you throw down a commander's horn on your melee row, and then immediately follow up with Cerys. <3 GET REKT!
  11. W

    Changes to Mardroeme

    I didn't really mind that though, I thought it added a certain amount of strategy at the start of the round. Say you got 3 berserkers and no Ermion or Mardroeme. You had to make a choice. Do I discard something else and pray to Lebioda for a Mardroeme, or do I discard berserkers and try to get...
  12. W

    Ability to change Gwent Rules

    I think it's a great idea. Part of why a simple deck of cards has had such a lasting appeal is that you can do whatever with them. You can invent new ways of playing and make new fun games. So I say yes, let people experiment with different rule sets and stuff. At worst, they waste their time...
  13. W

    Possibillity of other platforms.

    I hope eventually there will be an android version. I imagine just sitting next to someone waiting for the bus. "Round of Gwent?" You both pull out your phones, do the IR thing or bluetooth or whatever to connect, and then you play a friendly round of Gwent to pass the time. Would be so cool...
  14. W

    Changes to Mardroeme

    Changes to Mardroeme So I've heard that the way mardroeme cards work has been changed in the standalone, and I cannot figure out why. It was such a fun mechanic. In norse history the berserkers, warriors devoted to Odin, would work themselves into a trance-like rage before battle, supposedly...
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