Change Harald Gord's Ability to Damage.

I realise many players haven't had much chance to try Harald's current ability, on account of glitches; however, nonetheless, I suggest it could be changed to something like the following:

Deploy: Damage a unit by the number of special cards played during this game. Provision Cost 9 (at least).

My primary reasons are that this would better suit the artwork -- since he stands, axe poised, boot on the guard's neck -- and because Scoia'tael Dwarves don't have many strong damage cards, apart from Sheldon Skaggs. As an afterthought, such a change might also prove useful in crime decks with Cleaver.

This is just a rough idea, of course, since predicting balance is not my strong point.
Naaa, the ability is fine and basically it is not a really usefull card for a dwarf deck. (he is probably anyhow better played with mage-elves).
But the buff should not reset every round, else it is quite useless (like it is now)

There is already too much removal. generally the game should come back to a more boosting style gameplay.
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