Purchases & free items

My main reason for this thread is because I purchased the Cat bundle with the border only to discover it was the exact same border as the reward for one of the season trees for the Season of the Cat. I'm gonna end up with effectively no reward for the season tree because I paid for the pack.
I think they should be different; I'm not someone who cares if they're made available free another way, I just think that the season trees are a significant amount of effort for no reward but at the same time there isn't much else to do if you skip the Season.


That's no reason to make the bundle exclusive to the shop. Plenty of players missed one or more seasonal modes and get a second chance by purchasing the bundle, instead. Now, there are two ways to acquire the cosmetics: playing or paying. That's never a bad thing.
I agree the choice is fine, i just wish the shop interface also highlighted previously purchased items contained in other bundles.
as far as I notice since last month -- the ambusher pack and milean pack which both can unlock avatar, some border from the Reward Tree. The different is one extra Ambusher Border (which the avatar duplicate) and title (Ambusher) that is not available in Reward Tree.

two months ago, there was a new pack which not exist in Reward Tree (new Avatar and Title I think) and also another pack that can be unlocked entirely from Reward Tree.

This month is a mixed between last month and two last month - the Cat pack contain border and avatar which can't be unlocked from Reward Tree while the other packs avatar and border are duplicate but Title is new. For me, I don't like this pack because it hard for me to make decision like "do I really want to pay 400 meteorite for that only Title?" since I am going to unlock the Season Reward Tree for other border anyway.

To answer the original post, the pack this month is also contain extra Title I think despite that both Avatar and Border can be unlocked from the Reward Tree.
That's no reason to make the bundle exclusive to the shop. Plenty of players missed one or more seasonal modes and get a second chance by purchasing the bundle, instead. Now, there are two ways to acquire the cosmetics: playing or paying. That's never a bad thing.

I think what bothered me wasn't so much that the content is available both free and paid it's that (in the context of a player who has only been playing for one and a bit seasons prior to this) I was unaware some of the items in the store would be the same as free items. Last season nothing I bought was also available for free so I didn't expect to have to check that. I'm someone who has plenty of time on their hands to finish the season trees and now it feels a bit like I won't be getting any reward for that one. Perhaps if there were a system where if you purchased something that was available for free in the trees you instead get some reward points?
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