Search results

  1. B

    The Witcher 1 & 2 on Linux

    Witcher I was released on Mac (and there are plans to make conversion of Witcher II on Mac) and I always think tha Mac don't have DirectX only OpenGL and is in general more similiar to Unix and GNU/Linux (If I'm wrong please correct me) so I think that make Linux version wasn't be so...
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    Who ? ? ?

    "We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."
  3. B

    A personal message from your favorite Community Manager

    I'm studing on witcher university of Kaer Morhen and this medallion would be ultimate helpful during my summer examination session :)
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    Andrzej Sapkowski Books

    Sapkowskis books :(collection of short stories about witcher Geralt)Ostatnie Życzenie (Last Wish) (translated into English)Miecz Przeznaczenia (Sword of Destiny)(saga of witcher)Krew Elfów (Blood of Elves) (translated into English)Czas Pogardy (Time of Disdain)Chrzest Ognia (Baptism of...
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    The Path

    In Sapkowski books about Witcher you can read about Szlak(Path) and Mordownia (i dont know translation). The Path is a part of witchers life. On springs witchers leave Kaer Morhen and go on a path, they travling, killing monster and earning money.When winter starts witchers come back to Kaer...
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    Największe cRPGowe rozczarowanie

    Pewnie zaraz powiecie, ze bluźnie, ale mi Oblivion wydał się lepszy od Morrowinda. W Morku strasznie meczyło mnie to latanie z jednej strony mapy na drugą, szukanie jakichś jaskiń po pustkowiach, wydawało mi się, że główny watek rozwijał się strasznie długo. W Oblivionie rozwiązano to...
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    Największe cRPGowe rozczarowanie

    A i swojego czasu wynudzil mnie Dungeon Siege,nie ukonczylem go nigdy.
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    Największe cRPGowe rozczarowanie

    Dla mnie najwiekszym niewypalem byl Metal Heart (ale go juz pewnie nikt nie pamieta pomimo, ze pojawil sie w 2005 r bodajze), strasznie sie zawiodlem
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    Najlepszy cRPG wszechczasów

    Dlamnie rpg wszechczasów to Fallout 2 i Torment, jak przejde juz Wiedzmina to sie zastanowie czy do nich dolaczy ;p
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    Where are you from ?

    Poland, live near Bydgoszcz, but study in Torun :)
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    What games do you all play most FPS or RPG and whats your fav 5 games for pc ?

    My favourite games on PCFallout (I&II)Planescape TormentKOTOR (I&II)OblivionDark Earthand Duke Nukem 3D
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    What would you like to see in expansion or sequel

    I hope to meet Ciri in a sequel (She is very important person in a book and my favourite character. ) but maybe she is in a game ? (I'm still playing)
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    the end (spoilers)

    For me is very important that Ciri is found by Galahad. Galahad is one of the knights of Round Table and in the arthurian myth he found the Holy Grail. For me this ending mean that Ciri is Holy Grail. Sorry for My English
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    RPG discussion -- general

    For me the best RPG computer game is Fallout series and of course Witcher ;p
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    Favourite music

    I'm listen to Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Doors, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, The Cult, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Rolling Stones, Carrantuohill (bands from Poland playing music inspired by irish folk), Clannad, U2, Hunter (polish metal band) and many others
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