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  1. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  2. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Our community is now 20 years old!

    Congrats! Some earliest convos I recall were about asking to release The Witcher 3 for Linux :p These days CP2077 is enjoyable on Linux thanks to Wine.
  3. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  4. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  5. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

    Another gem from there in '80s style:
  6. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

    Another one from Bubblegum Crisis:
  7. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  8. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  9. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  10. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

    Never heard of Megazone 23 before - pretty good cyberpunk anime.
  11. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    The General Videogame Thread

    This very cool! 1720754760 Lol, this is like a twisted version of Night City:
  12. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

    In the monorail tunnel in the NCX Spaceport.
  13. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

  14. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

    Mr. Blue Eyes spotted:
  15. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  16. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

    I managed to shoot the chain and knock them both out with the crates, but you need to time it right. Shoot it when the second guard walks right under the crates. No cyberdeck in this run so I couldn't use quickhacks. Reed suggests to shoot everyone, but you can find other ways to do it despite...
  17. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

    Is there a way to pass You Know My Name without shooting any guards when V is in the sniper position assisting Reed? I almost managed it, but two guards near the container bridge always raise the alarm.
  18. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

  19. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Exploring Cyberpunk 2077

    Lol I found NetWatch Regional Agents shard. Haven't seen it before:
  20. Gilrond-i-Virdan

    Now playing [music]

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