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  1. MrPerfectCell

    Pro-tip for "Power Shift" mode

    You, My friend, are doing gods work with pointing out unenjoyable games earliest possible. I also already had the "pleasure" of meeting those two decks and didn't even try. I like to test how my usual decks fare within these special rules, which is also quite fun.
  2. MrPerfectCell

    BC May: Results are in!

    First time voting on the council, only renfri made it Regarding the other results: This council feels kinda stupid. Armor power decrease, like how the hell did this even make it? And a Powerbuff for Saskia? She's already immune, why would she need more power? Hard enough to kill her annoying ass...
  3. MrPerfectCell

    Patch Notes 11.7

    I just deleted the game (again) after I got to rank 12 for the first time after HC with a memedeck. The game just became so unbelievably boring, as soon as I knew the archetype I knew exactly what cards he would play. It's by now that I notice in what kind of heaven I was with my own rank 18 decks.
  4. MrPerfectCell

    Patch Notes 11.7

    I copied and edited this deck and you hardly even need to embrace the meme that much. By now I removed both Syanna and Idarran to improve round one because once I was in (an unbleeded) round 3 I hardly lost since the furneralboat-dagur-lippy combo just spits points like crazy. I usually get to 3...
  5. MrPerfectCell

    Your Counters to the new Cards

    What are your counters or reactions if you face some of the new decks or cards (besides of heatwaving, yen invoc and forfeiting)? I just played against sticky situation and damn this card is unbelievably dumb. I tried killing the units beside it with little sucess.
  6. MrPerfectCell

    The Tide Rises Card Reveals

    I‘m most likely far from being qualified to evaluate if cards are busted (being gone many months for multiple times) but what happened to the „1 point roughly equals 1 power“? Just looking at the monstercards they are basically flipping the table saying „f* this sh*t“. This is just ridiculous...
  7. MrPerfectCell

    Patch Notes 11.7

    Yeah please change it back. I even used it quite good in a rats-monster deck to give mourntart a good meal. Now its rather boring and also basically a ST card
  8. MrPerfectCell

    What is your "playstyle" or reason to play gwent?

    What do you do when you start Gwent? Are you more about making your own decks, or just the usual netdecks? Do you care about rank/whats your rank? Are you a Memeplayer? What are your (least) favourite factions? Do you try to get the latest cards or couldn't you care less about them? Do you play...
  9. MrPerfectCell

    BS card combos

    I just ran into the Sigvald-Knut combo and I gotta say, damn thats some bs going on there! For those who don't know: Sigvald doesnt take damage, but gets a bleeding counter, so no damage removal possible there. Now Knut has the fancy order to damage any "friendly" card by half and then also...
  10. MrPerfectCell

    Favorite female characters in games?

    This aged like fine milk. But yeah, Ellie really was great in the first game and would also be one of my top choices
  11. MrPerfectCell

    Least favourite Leader/archetype to play against

    I'm curious, whats your least favourite matchup (besides bloody Milfgaard)? Is it because it implicates bad chances for your deck, because its plainly unfun or because its OP? For me, I simply dont fight nilfgaard, theres nothing I hate more than them. Second, i highly dislike monster weather...
  12. MrPerfectCell


    I'm a veteran who abandoned gwent many times by now since homecoming. Currently I'm back and wondering how alive the game is, so what is your feeling on this? Is there still a decent playerbase or are we rather declining than stagnating? Are there offical numbers somewhere? I'm aware of CDs...
  13. MrPerfectCell

    Your Favorite Soundtrack In Any Game

    you know you order the impossible, right? Besides all the classics (Nintendos music) i'd go for either hollow knights troupemaster/nightmareking grimm or the OG Gwent music from TW 3.
  14. MrPerfectCell

    Can I have the option to disable GGs?

    Why do you still play then if have no fun anymore? I stopped gwent about 4 times, starting short for a few weeks up to my last pause of over 1 year. It may be a hassle to get used to the new features/cards by then, but its definitively worth it. Just distance yourself from this (broken) game.
  15. MrPerfectCell

    Just wanted to share my huge Quality of Life improvement

    i Instantly forfeit against every Milfgaard Player. The game is so relaxing since then. Of course it damages my rank, but hell that's worth it! Just wanted to share this simple life hack.
  16. MrPerfectCell

    Can some explain witches sabbath to me?

    Thank you! That answeres my question. You're a hero!
  17. MrPerfectCell

    Can some explain witches sabbath to me?

    The description says "Summon up to 3 highest-power units from your opponent's graveyard to an enemy row, then Summon as many highest-power Monster units from your graveyard to the opposite row and give them Doomed." But every time I used this card it chose the strongest units by neither of us...
  18. MrPerfectCell

    Hard to get (back) into Gwent

    I'm not complaining about wrecking or getting wrecked in competetive, but just the fact that if you want to play a good ol' round of gwent, you firstly have to look through numberous abilities which sometimes you'll only understand in a game because of unprecise phrasing. The game is to complex...
  19. MrPerfectCell

    Card Ideas

    the card itself never did, but its great use sadly.
  20. MrPerfectCell

    Hard to get (back) into Gwent

    I played gwent since open beta and also hold onto it when homecoming happened. But since HC I wasn't invested so much anymore and started pausing the game, for weeks, then months, now it's been over a year. The latest expansion I was somehow invested was merchants of ophir. Now I wanted to go...
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