Playing with an iFi XDSD DAC results in overdriven ambient sound and dialogue, causing very frequent crackling. Turning Master volume almost all the way down does not help.
Wasted potential...Evie...Kirk...Jackie...
I really wanted to get revenge on Evie and Kirk myself. It really pissed me off that I had to be sympathetic to Evie, and was forced to take the job from Kirk instead of just telling him to piss off right before putting two rounds in his head. Jackie's...
I've always avoided multiplayer games for various reasons, but do think co-op stuff would work well in NC.
I also just posted this elsewhere:
I should encounter other "outlaws" like myself in the course of my career. They should also respond to my Cred...maybe we need to compete for a gig as...
I've begun turning off the mini-map when I arrive at a job's location. When I need to "find" a thing, I want to have to find it, not just follow the yellow-dot-road to the exclamation that marks the spot. Turning off the map has made the game so much more exciting and made me feel much more like...
Here's a real "nice-to-know" detail: YOU CAN'T DRAW YOUR WEAPONS IN THE DEWDROP INN! (Serious Side Effects Side Gig). I made a change to my control scheme before entering and lost my mind trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I get why, given a very small and insignificant thing you can...
Riding with Panem to hijack the thing from Miltech, her voice sounds like it's coming over the radio.
Riding with the Japanese guy on the way to talk to the fixer, his voice is all echoey and weird.
Something I've seen mentioned less than everything else is a meaningful Street Cred system and the incorporation of a reputation system with each gang. I shouldn't be able to slaughter any gang members I see without consequences, and those consequences should scale with my Street Cred and how...
I agree with all the calls for fully customizable keybinds and the addition of portable light sources. I'd also like to see more UI consistency, e.g. pressing p/j/m/etc should enter and exit their respective screens. Why do I press "I" to open the inventory and exit everything? And why can I...