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  1. G

    BLOCKER - The Ripperdoc - Putting a body inside of a trunk disables possibility to interact with car's door during the mission

    Lol But honestly, during the conversation with Jackie I decided it's best to go to sleep, was around midnight. So since I was going to close the game and come back next day anyway, loading save before the conversation to keep everything nice, I just decided to do a random thing. So I picked...
  2. G

    BLOCKER - The Ripperdoc - Putting a body inside of a trunk disables possibility to interact with car's door during the mission

    Just do not ask why I thought about putting this body into the trunk in the first place. Soo.. I have discovered that putting a body inside of a trunk disables possibility to interact with car's door during the mission. I did not check if it's any body, or it has to be cops's body, reproduced...
  3. G

    [Skill Tree] [Reflex] Gundancer skill works as free Ninjutsu skill

    @LeKill3rFou Yes, I did, and yes, it is quite fast, there is a difference - obviously. That's why I have written "pretty much the same", not "exactly the same" functionality. It's not a "bug for sure!" kind of ticket, more of a question if it's intended to work so similar
  4. G

    [Skill Tree] [Reflex] Gundancer skill works as free Ninjutsu skill

    Is this intended? Just watch the video please Oh, I thought it would be an easy one - I'd attach a video and that's it. But since I can't, there you go It has been discovered, that a Gundancer skill: "Aiming no longer slows movement. Allows you to shoot while vaulting." does not slow...
  5. G

    LOD issue with N54 AV during "Play It Safe" mission

    There is a minor issue with N54 AV. Characters written on the door disappear depending on a camera angle. I don't remember now, and its hard to say without mission objectives shown in UI, but it could be a section between killing the 1st and a 2nd sniper. Attaching screenshots with results:
  6. G


    Lol, thanks a lot for that tip. I hate a lot the fact I sometimes double tap and that way leave my cover just because I have habit of tapping pixel by pixel to lean out from Call of Duty 1 Ngl, I have died few times in Cyberpunk cuz of that - accidentally jumped out of the cover with 20% HP
  7. G

    [Bug] It is possible to unsheathe a weapon in "The Rescue" mission early resulting in shooting with fingers.

    I have discovered an issue possible to encounter (as far as I know only, but I think it's worth checking other missions where player is forced to have a hidden weapon until some point) in "The Rescue" quest. In the beginning, player follows Jackie Welles to the elevator, and does not have...
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